Craig's List Homosexual Sex

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Well-Known Member
Oh yeah i have 3 sons and a wife and a mistress and im repressing latent homosexual tendencies.Go bark up someone else tree because this one is not the 1 for you.
i'm sure being unfaithful to your wife is also A-OK in whatever holy book you subscribe to.

thou shalt not commit adultery (this commandment is optional)

ps - the OP also has lady and uses it as his defense as to why he is not gay! HA!


Well-Known Member
You should be worried about yourself sounds like you have feelings for fags.Go ahead and join the gay community.
i am worried about violence towards know...THE GOLDEN RULE.

you really suck at this religion thing.

we are ALL god's children


Well-Known Member
UncleBuck I can satisfy my lady without even trying and I would do the same to Your lady gaurntee, please Shut the fuck up.


Well-Known Member
Why are you worried mind your business.
you put your opinion out on a public forum. if it is none of our business, don't post your violent and hateful message. keep it to yourself, you walking contradiction

being gay is a sin, but committing adultery isn't accrding to do you justify that?


Well-Known Member
UncleBuck I can satisfy my lady without even trying and I would do the same to Your lady gaurntee, please Shut the fuck up.

the fact that you felt the need to defend yourself is proof enough for me as to the true facts of the matter! you would feel no need to defend yourself otherwise

thanks for so kindly asking me to shut the fuck up. very neighborly of you


Well-Known Member
I seriously can't understand why people like this kid get their panties in such a bunch over people being gay. Some people are attracted to fat people or skinny people or people of a particular race. Some are drawn to odd dynamics in a relationship. Some like to be tied up and whipped. Some straight people like anal sex... There are all kinds of different preferences in relationships and sex. If they're not hurting anyone why the fuck should I (or you) care?! I wonder if someone can come up with a reason other than the reproduction angle (unless they're consistent and hate people who use birth control or get into oral sex) or the bullshit about it being a sin (see Dr. Laura letter above).
you put your opinion out on a public forum. if it is none of our business, don't post your violent and hateful message. keep it to yourself, you walking contradiction
There was nothing i posted violent.I said he is a fag for letting a man suck his dick and he thought otherwise he is stupid..Please tell me where i went violent at since you love quoting me???
AND its directed to the op not you so again i say mind your business.The only time i said something to you was when you came in all defensive about it.I said yeah whatever and then you go off on your gay lawyer shit.I did not say i should kill him,fuck him up when i see him stab him shoot him.Please show me where i said that at.It looks like you are on my walking contradicting balls because you just keep quoting me.


Well-Known Member
yo, im done here okay, i got my point across you wanna sit here and defend your little gay point of view than go ahead
I sorta fell bad about it but I was upfront from the begining.
has anyone else done this? I havent told any of my freinds, theyd think I was a fag, but it worked real good for me. And I can honestly tell my girlfreind that I never cheated on her, bonus.
I think he is asking for others opinions on that right so yeah that is my business..DID i ask for your opinion no so there you jumping in someone else shit.Mind your own


Well-Known Member
There was nothing i posted violent....Please tell me where i went violent at since you love quoting me???....Please show me where i said that at.
Personally i dont give a fuck if my rhetoric leads to physical harm to fags they deserve it with their confused ass.
"all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing"

i suppose you don't believe in honoring the ten commandments, specifically "thou shalt not commit adultery" why the fuck should you care about anything else in a holy book?

that's where you are a proponent of violence
There was nothing i posted violent.I said he is a fag for letting a man suck his dick and he thought otherwise he is stupid..Please tell me where i went violent at since you love quoting me???.
Oh thats right because i did not say nothing threating in violence.So get off my tree kid and go somewhere else.
"all evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing"

i suppose you don't believe in honring the ten commandments, specifically "thou shalt not commit adultery" why the fuck should you care about anything else in a holy book?

that's where you are a proponent of violence
O yeah that was violent.I said i was going to hurt him and actually you said that all i said was i dont give a fuck if it does lead to fags getting hurt they deserve it.Thats me being violent.Go look violent up in the dictionary i bet that will not even be the definition.


Well-Known Member
One last thing Alababba, I really hope you get to talk to a professional (counselor) about your situation; expressing yourself on this website is likely more harmful than helpful in the case you aren't actually talking about growing weed. Mostly I am just really sorry there have been so many mean spirited posts blindly attacking you; it's just not right (no matter what your religion may be, no healthy person wishes pain and suffering onto others).

To everyone: I guess as a newb I'm just really ignorant about the world this community lives in. I'm certainly learning our environments seem considerably varied (and not always progressive). So from this point forward, I'll have to keep in mind that for some peops, butt sex and fellatio (between men) are simply worse sins than hatred and violence. This should help me be kinder to you all, even when you say things I feel are horribly violent and ignorant (all IMPO of course; maybe in your world for example, hatred and violence are celebrated?). [Ephesians 4:18]

But anyway, I appreciate all the supportive posts and msgs I've gotten from so many of you. Makes me glad to know I'm not the only one thinking the same thing. LOL ;) Peace!
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