A while back I was engaged to this chick who totally didn't approve of grass. So being young and inexperienced, I just hid it from her...bad idea, but I was an all day every day smoker and got away with it for a couple years except every now and then I would be stupid and leave a pipe somewhere.
Well, one time I was stupid...She and I were camping near a lake and she went off to do something so I busted out the stash and started smoking. After power smoked a few bowls, I got a beer to mask the breath and worked on the fire. After a few minutes, I realized that I might not have another good opportunity to smoke again that night so I packed a monster bowl and started power hittin' again. Finished the bowl and went back to doing camping shit. She came back and went to the car. I happened to need something out of the car as well and oh, snap! my bag and pipe were sitting right on the fucking front seat!
Well, she dumped the shit in the lake and we had a huge blow out.
The next morning I was at the lake chillin' and noticed that the buds were just floating in the water next to the shore! So I got them out and put them back in the baggie but left the bag folded open wide and left them in the sun. That afternoon they were dry again and I enjoyed another night of secretive smoking!