i drove this girls brand new car through a corn field, early high school days. we were looking for a friend who was smoking back there. We came up on him and another guy and shocked the hell out of them. corn everywhere. blotting out the windshield. we did some donuts, left, got pulled over by a cop.. it was corn in the grille that got us caught. got a ticket for driving without a license. I guess... mostly got away with..
i also tried to save a guy from jumping off a 200ft bridge to his death. I hung one handed off the railing. I was drunk, when the cops came he jumped, i grabbed him, they pulled him out of my hands. that one is crazier and would take longer to explain. They didnt arrest me but driving over that bridge now, remembering what i did still scares me to this day..
i spent years hiking to/studding rattlesnakes and copperheads at their den sites in the NE. I wrote a book on the subject, have had 20 rattlesnakes all around me, buzzing, it was wild. The snakes themselves are safer than some of the cliffs, ledges and climbs getting up to some of them. I wouldn't go back to a lot of them for that reason. Even a ten foot fall can kill you.
anything else on that list are likely stories i wouldn't tell due to legal reasons.