Crazy / Delusional


New Member
Crazy / Delusional = When Inner [SOUL] TRUTH / REALITY / MYSTIC Is Challenged By Outer [World] Lies / Illusion / Magic In The MIND / CONSCIENCE / FAITH.

SANITY And CLARITY Is Established Only When One's Commitment To The PATH Of The SOUL Is OUT-BALANCE - OVERCOME And Thus Manifest Into The World Through The Things That NURTUREs The MIND / CONSCIENCE / FAITH / HOLY PROPHECY / KARMA.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
This Thread = Crazy / Delusion guy smoking / INGESTING too much REEFER / ganja / MARIJUaNa and not making sense.


Well-Known Member
That post was so grammatically incorrect, I don't even understand really what he's saying. Can someone translate please?


Active Member
You should check out some of this dude's other threads, they're pretty much all like this. He goes away for a while and then comes back like three months later.

Ooh, maybe if we had some Urim and Thummim and about fifteen wives we could translate!


Well-Known Member
He's saying that people are called crazy/delusional when challenged with illusions of the real world if they have inner truth or are a mystic (or something)


Well-Known Member
Well a systematically abusive and psychotic environment will produce abusive and psychotic shamans. Just like it produces abusive and psychotic leaders, lawyers, civil servants, corporate servants, citizens of all natures and stories. We all have a bit of cognitive dissonance between what we do and what we deep down know to be true. Conformity to the pogrom. Get that suicide gene into your kool-aid now.


Active Member
I really love the old Simpsons episodes, they seem a lot funnier to me than the newer ones. I'll still watch the new ones, but they seem to have lost something. Same with King of the Hill, I used to watch it pretty regularly from like '98-'02, I saw one of the episodes from 2009 and thought to myself "WTF, I remember this show being funny." Then I saw one of the old ones last week and it was funny. I guess after a while you just run out of material.
