Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow


Well-Known Member
We went hunting for the elusive ginas last week,
Used evey tool we had at our disposal with no luck, managed to get close to one, even let me buy it a drink. Then poof it was gone. Then the tricky creature appeared with three more ginas and they were much bigger and uglier telling me that their gina was too good for me, and that I should seek another gina. I got home at 3 am and the resident gina at my place said I was out gallavantimg around and this gina was too good to be treated that way. So a night out hunting was unsuccessful, I tried finding ginas all night and only angered the gina I like a lot and was punished with no gina,
maybe I should try fishing!!!
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ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Honestly man i aint i to the whole gun thing but if someone had guns and knew how to hunt properly if be there in an instant and learn quick...i know for a fact the eye is on my side always hit the target but hitting a running pig or something would be new for me.
Im just a fishing addict basically.

ruby fruit

Well-Known Member
Out of all the threads ive read along with in 12 months is @doublejj and his story bout the captain and his army issue pistol/revolver would know the story jj it does stick in my mind pretty well that one...