CRAZY IDEA.. would this be possible?


HI, i have a crazy idea and would like to get someones oppinion on it before i try it out. Ok well we all know that mj needs 12 hrs of darkness to flower. Well say for a moment that a "day" in your grow room wasn't 24 hrs, say you made your day 30 hours. Could you give your plants 18 hours of light, and 12 hours of darkness, so that they would have a longer time to flower? I hope people can understand what im tryin to say. Like theoretically if a plant had a 80day(at 24 hours) flowering time, then couldnt you give it 80(30 hour days) while boosting the amount of light it would be getting? Because the leaves keep a biological clock going.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering about the ratios of light to dark before too, if you do something Ill be sure to keep an eye on how you get on!

EDIT: to freakislyyellow...Lol, fool mother nature? Ever heard of changing the light cycle to flower?!


Well-Known Member
If he's running 30 hour days then the theory is that he can split it into ratios and cause the plant to flower under a much longer light cycle...its not as if the plant has a digital watch to check what time it is.


Active Member
From everything that i've read plants get tired of growing and need some rest. With that said some periods of nite at least will help with power consumption($).


Well-Known Member
Hes saying like 15hours on, 15hours off. The plants are limited by the number of light cycles in their life, not by the length of them.


Well-Known Member
You will stress your plant immensely trying to change a light cycle that has developed along the 24 hour cycle. The night cycle or Calvin cycle will continue its natural cycle for several cycle whether there is light or dark. Your plant will attempt to change length of cycles leading to lots of stress on the plant. There are many university studies available one plant light cycles, along with which light spectrum triggers what reactions in the plant. I wish you the best of luck and look forward to a journal on this grow.
Here is a link from Ohio State, it is a very good starting point and google can lead you into further studies on this.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas