crazy... INSANE!!!


Active Member
well, i dont know.

I have a bunch of fytocell a and rockwool floc left over from a flood and drain experiement.

I need to fill 81 3 gallon pots.

I wanted to go coco, but it seems that much coco is to expensive.

so i was thinking, why not mix in some of what i already have?


Green Thumb of God
I don't know what flytocell is but you could grow in the other three without given the right amount of effort


Active Member
I don't know what flytocell is but you could grow in the other three without given the right amount of effort
fytocell is pretty new,

Author: J.C.C. Welleman Abstract:
Aminoplast-foams have been used for decades as soil improvers all over the world. Over the past five-year introduction period Fytocell, an aminoplast-foam with additional specific physical characteristics, has provided very good results as a “unique and promising” substrate for the soil less culture sector. Fytocell is an organic synthetic hydrophilic foam, which is biodegradable with an open cell structure. It provides optimum capillarity, homogenously throughout the whole substrate, providing an water/air ratio of 60/40, irrespective of height. As a result of these physical characteristics: Fytocell maintains a good water/air ratio, even when frequently watered; Fytocell promotes strong and uniform rooting throughout the whole substrate; even when fully saturated, the air content is still around 30%, and Fytocell is easy to re-wet. Fytocell can be produced in the local horticultural growing areas resulting in major logistical cost savings. Recent research at the University of Wageningen (environmental technology) has proven that Fytocell is compostable with other organic materials such as plant waste. A solution for waste disposal can therefore be resolved locally. The composted product retains nearly all of its physical characteristics and is very suitable as a soil improver. Fytocell has proven itself within numerous horticultural sectors and fully backs up the results collected at international research and trial stations.