Crazy Outdoor Growing Story


Active Member
so i find a good spot. apparently its private property. trheres a pull over beside the bridge where i can park, so i did and walked in.. so i had my fishing rod with me so it looked legit. and some seeds (autoflowers).

anyway so im digin a hole near his corn field which is beside the river. i see em coming so fortunaltly i had the holes dug up with my hand shovel ahead of time. i had nothing in my hand but a seed, so i oushed the seed down and grabed some worms and he asked what i was doing over there. told em i was getting some worms for fishing, showed them in my hand. anywho, we talked for a whie he ended up showing me some good spots for fishing and was a nice guy.

I fear he has my plate number in which if he sees them holes i dug out, and later on marijuana growing in them. can he report me?

also he seemd pretty nice and gave me his number and said if im coming back to let him know so he tells me where to park in case he needs to get back into his corn field with out me blocking his path

Im scared lol ..

should i worry?

it was onyl 2 seeds i got in. 1 wasnt pushed in yet so im sure it wont sprout, but u never know. rain could push it down.


Yeah...kinda if-yi...I would try and go somewhere else...not so close to trails,roads,or paths..who knows.. he might smoke and let you do all the work and harvest them before you if he finds them


Active Member
ya no doubt, its in a pretty secret area tho. gravel roads n such. but yeah i dont think he does, he was talking about cops around her trying to catch a drug dealer that lives a few miles down the road... can he rat me out claiming i potted on his property considering he most likley has my license plate. or do they have to actually catch me in the act to get narcd out?


Think like this if someone was on your property and digging holes then theres buds growing in the holes and just in the area where its been dug or disturbed for can put 2to2 together..but for a conviction I think they have to catch you in the act when the plants are there and you watering or taking care the plants. But if he finds it,he might call the law and if theres enough they might do something about it but if its a couple plants he might tell you not to trespass anymore and kill them himself.. who knows


Just be careful growing next to corn,beans, etc..cause farmers do check how much they lose to deer and other critters...and the progress of the field...otherwards they are out there more often than what people actually think


Active Member
ok thanks man. im just nervous cause i have indoors going right now. hate for the piggies coming to my house because they have 2 germinated seeds in 2 holes. and a 3rd hole dug out. is that enough for a charge? or am i jsut too high right now and trippn?


Well-Known Member
You were in a pretty secret area right beside someone else's cornfield...? That means it isn't at all secret and it is already being used by a possibly non cannabis farmer...then again perhaps this is his cornfield but he keeps his weed field somewhere is where it gets iffy...since you don't know the only way to find out is to ask...and there is no way to ask a stranger if they grow Mj without just out right asking them...which if they also grow MJ then you might get an awesome friend and mentor, but if they don't you might end up in it is a line you have chosen to walk have to now choose where to take road --- new spot not near where other people will be for any reason...I mean, next to a cornfield?! You know people will be there not a good place anyway...---or you can take the risky road and find out if this farmer is pro or anti cannabis...


Well-Known Member
He has no evidence, if he didn't trust you he would have asked you to go somewhere else and stay off his property.
Make friends with the dude and you've got a great grow spot and a good place to catch fish.
Wait till he's not around or out of sight at dusk and you might even be able to "borrow" a few buckets of quality soil for your plants.


Active Member
thanks guan. ya he is a nice guy, wrote his number onmy dashboard of my car incase he didnt seem me out there. but he found me, and said for me to call em next time, he says he does this with other people and has em over for bbq and such, lol i was like ight. but he owns a shit load of property out there. offerd to drive me over to the other areas where most people fish. lol i declined. didnt wanna end up on the news.

but ya i was just think after the fact, what if he goes back and knows i was there to plant seeds. considering he mentioned the cops are on to a dealer somwhere on his road. and they usually park where i did, and walk to his house to stay hidden. hope he doesnt call it in think i was apart of this drug ring. but what ur sayn is he has no evidence to pursue with the police? just possibly my license plate. bc he did write down his number and name, so he most likely jotted down my plates. which would lead the cops to my house.


Well-Known Member
Why did you need a hand shovel to plant seeds? They should only be buried about an inch down, thats a hole you could dig with your finger.


Active Member
to soften up the ground. it was pretty hard. dug in to what i though ws a 5gl pot size. soften it up and then poored it back in and packed it like i was packing a pot of soil. thought it would be better.


Active Member
the question is should i be worried. Lets say this guy has my license plate number. is that enough for me to get in trouble or mors so a warrant to search my house.


I seriously wouldn't trip on this, in fact, I would call him and see if he wants togo fishing. Rember the saying, "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!"


Active Member
he could claim i was on his property fishing, and seen me near a dug out hole with a seed in it. i claimed i was digin worms for fishing but he thinks other wise?


Active Member

yeah i though of calling em but i dont want him to have my number. i could block it but then i dont want him to get suspicious. he already asked me for my number. i said i would call him.


Well-Known Member

yeah i though of calling em but i dont want him to have my number. i could block it but then i dont want him to get suspicious. he already asked me for my number. i said i would call him.
Ontario in Canada or California?


Well-Known Member
Hasnt Canada pretty much De-criminalized cannabis like california?? I wouldnt worry about it.. its not like u got a big commercial grow.