Crazy plant with 2 TOPS naturally, no FIM or topping. Weird genetics?!!


New Member
Kool plant. I've got my fingers crossed it's a lady for you. I've got a question though. The plant is so tightly packed I can't tell for myself, so I'm the new growth/clones coming up natuarally double headed like "mom"? If so, I'd say you got something very cool there. Like a new "natural LST" strain that you could make up some crazy name for and get rich for your "invention". LOL Oh crazy fantasies!!! I'm over-tired and toasted excited for E3. Seriously though, I must say I'm slightly disapponted you decided to top and fim. Though it looks good regardless. But I just would have been interested to see what this plant would have done on it's own after stretching out a bit. Either way, I'll be watching this one with great interest over the next couple days and hopefully a couple months after while she's flowering. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
foliage 002.jpgfoliage 003.jpgfoliage 005.jpgfoliage 006.jpgfoliage 008.jpg

Just single tops coming out of the new foliage. Theres so many internodes, when the branches stretch it should fill with buds(if its female, still cant tell...i think it is

Sometimes it might take a couple days for me to upload a pic, but thats because i use an open free internet connection lol. i dont like to pay for what i can get for free.


Well-Known Member
i took a cutting. i used organic wildflower honey as a rooting agent. We'll see how it turns out.
ll 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
whale tears ftw!
i know im gonna look like an idiot, but i dont get the 'whale tears' reference lol

.....about the plant, its doin good, branches are starting to stretch a tiny bit. Most people try to keep their plant from stretching, and i cant seem to get mine to stretch at all.


Well-Known Member
This is not a phenomenon at all really,a lot of plants grow like this especially ones with alternating nodes,The usual suspect is light some branches get more light than others and create the effect of multiple tops.My last 12/12 grow was the same (not the lst grow) because one side got more light than the other.


Well-Known Member
  • @DarthTokahis the new growth/clones coming up natuarally double headed like "mom"? If so, I'd say you got something very cool there. Like a new "natural LST" strain

    I found a double topped branch today. I guess the genetics extend to the branch tips too as i have 2 'tops' growing out of a branch now. check it out and let me know what you guys think.
  • Female is good for obvious reasons
  • a Late term hermie would be good so i could get seeds for more of these mutants
  • a male would be crap, but still beneficial as i could save pollen for a future experiment lol

BTW my Nirvana Northern Lights bean popped today!




Well-Known Member
Tommorow will be the first day of week 3 of flowering. She's really bushy and still short at about 8.5 inches tall.
It came out pretty nicely bonsai'd so far wil just a small amount of lst involved.
She has the 2 natural tops on her, which have been fim'd on the one and topped on the other.
A couple of lateral branches (which are growing like tops) have the same double top ends that the main stalk has.
She just got her first hairs last nite so she is officially budding.

The other 2 plants in the pics are a big bang (recovering from accidental nute burn) its 11 days old i think, and a Northern lights that sprouted yesterday.



New Member
Wow, so new growth is also coming up double headed? That's awesome. I hope you cloned it just in case she turns out crazy. Looking really good. Can't wait to see how it matures.


Well-Known Member
The plant is doing excellent so far. Doesnt seem to have any issues with over or under watering, too much or too little nutes. (this plant is getting miracle grow 8-7-6 and 1 tsp/gal of molasses almost every watering). At the end of the week i am getting an organic blooming fert. just had to wait until payday haha. More light is being added too (another 4x23watt cfl's 2700k) at the end of the week,
I have trained this plant pretty good, it is only 8.5 inches tall and 37 inches around. It started showing pistils a couple days ago.
Its branches have started to stretch a bit too im hoping they keep stretching for another week at least so it gets a bit bigger.
Heres some pics.



Well-Known Member
I have one that sprouted to heads as well. No fimming or topping. It was also an old batch of seeds and out of 10 was the only one that survived.
awsome. ya this one was a bagseed, couple years old at least, and there were approx 20 seeds in a glass vial. The vial had residue from ISO oil/hash in it. Out of 20 seeds this was the only one to pop.
Im hoping it turns out good.


Active Member
I have one that sprouted to heads as well. No fimming or topping. It was also an old batch of seeds and out of 10 was the only one that survived.
awsome. ya this one was a bagseed, couple years old at least, and there were approx 20 seeds in a glass vial. The vial had residue from ISO oil/hash in it. Out of 20 seeds this was the only one to pop.
Im hoping it turns out good.
like you said just let it grow. Good growing !!

How old is she by the way?


Well-Known Member
There are self topping strains, I don't see how that is useful though. The plant itself looks ugly and mutated though.


Well-Known Member
The plant is doing good still. Going to flush it out good tomorrow and go get some organic blooming nutes from the local head shop.
Buds seem to be developing nicely for 3 weeks. Im not sure tho...
Are they on schedule or a bit behind in development?
I did quite a bit of defoliation for the last 3 or 4 days to get light to the lower bud sites. they are starting to come in now too nicely. the plant was so bushy, ive taken off more leaves so far than it has left on it i think.
Heres some pics.
What do you's think of how its developing so far?

...btw im smokin some bc big bud:weed: tonite, what r u guys smoking?bongsmiliebcbigbud 004.jpgbcbigbud 007.jpg



Well-Known Member
Just picked up some General Organis BioThrive Grow and Bloow. Going to flush my plant out good and start it on the blooming fertz.


Well-Known Member
Its the beginning of week 4 of flowering. Buds are coming in ok. I just flushed the plant out good, let it drain, and gave it some nutrients. General Organics BioThrive.
So far the plant hasnt seemed to have any issues, other than being really small.
It should have some nice mini-tops on it pretty soon.
Heres some pics.....

