Crazy question about transplanting

has it ever been done that when you over pot and then subsequently over water you can counter act the slow growth and over watering by DOWN potting...i potted in 1 gal smart pots they are 9 days above soil and i feel they are small and stunted. in therory it would work to transplant into say solo cup until growth and water are reset. but is it worth the possible extra stress or should i just let them be for a while. pics are included



Well-Known Member
has it ever been done that when you over pot and then subsequently over water you can counter act the slow growth and over watering by DOWN potting...i potted in 1 gal smart pots they are 9 days above soil and i feel they are small and stunted. in therory it would work to transplant into say solo cup until growth and water are reset. but is it worth the possible extra stress or should i just let them be for a while. pics are included
You're ok just maybe transplanted a bit too early and the shock slowed them worries.


Well-Known Member
You're good, they look healthy. They just take a while to root. You are right though, you're better to start them in smaller containers, let them almost get root bound, then up-pot. I usually go party cup to 1gal, then to 2 or 3 gal (or leave it in 1gal until it gets large and almost root bound), then 5/7/10 depending on what I want to finish them in. An old timer in the nursery business told me this is standard practice for them to maximize growth rates and build good strong roots.
You're good, they look healthy. They just take a while to root. You are right though, you're better to start them in smaller containers, let them almost get root bound, then up-pot. I usually go party cup to 1gal, then to 2 or 3 gal (or leave it in 1gal until it gets large and almost root bound), then 5/7/10 depending on what I want to finish them in. An old timer in the nursery business told me this is standard practice for them to maximize growth rates and build good strong roots.
Yeah ive read it every where and i even had party cups ready to plant...but then i just got over zealous and was like "meh they can go in the 1 gall pots"...nope, next time ill start with the party cups its much more efficient i feel....if they were clones i prolly would have went 1 gall but im not sure on that either. at this point im thinking 1 gal 3 gal 5 gal (all smart pots) for transplanting schedule what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive read it every where and i even had party cups ready to plant...but then i just got over zealous and was like "meh they can go in the 1 gall pots"...nope, next time ill start with the party cups its much more efficient i feel....if they were clones i prolly would have went 1 gall but im not sure on that either. at this point im thinking 1 gal 3 gal 5 gal (all smart pots) for transplanting schedule what do you think?
Yeah it's a shortcut trap this one, it actually slows them down and prevents strong root development going too big right off the bat. For seeds I'd recommend party cups then 1/3/5. For clones I do the same, only difference is I don't leave them in party cups as long as seeds. But some people clone what I'd consider "trees" (very large clones) in which case you'd be fine to go straight into 1gal. Cheers. Think about growing plants as growing roots, not plant material (stalks/leaves) and you'll consistently grow healthy/vigorous plants.
Yeah it's a shortcut trap this one, it actually slows them down and prevents strong root development going too big right off the bat. For seeds I'd recommend party cups then 1/3/5. For clones I do the same, only difference is I don't leave them in party cups as long as seeds. But some people clone what I'd consider "trees" (very large clones) in which case you'd be fine to go straight into 1gal. Cheers. Think about growing plants as growing roots, not plant material (stalks/leaves) and you'll consistently grow healthy/vigorous plants.
wish i could like your comments but i think im too new to do that yet haha...thanks for the input it has definitely not fallen on deaf ears


Well-Known Member
You know what I love about open forums? Differing opinions...not too debate or argue about but too give others a chance to make their own choices...Anyway, I personally go from 1 pint containers to 5 gallon grow bags and that is where they stay until harvest. I only do 2 plants per grow and my tent is too small for anything more. Besides, I don't like to shock my babies by multi-transplanting.

But, again that is what I do, not necessarily what you should do.
You know what I love about open forums? Differing opinions...not too debate or argue about but too give others a chance to make their own choices...Anyway, I personally go from 1 pint containers to 5 gallon grow bags and that is where they stay until harvest. I only do 2 plants per grow and my tent is too small for anything more. Besides, I don't like to shock my babies by multi-transplanting.

But, again that is what I do, not necessarily what you should do.
i agree with your sentiments exactly. i love discussing ideas and finding out how others do things. i cant wait to have a first harvest under my belt so i can start delving into giving more advise and learning new techniques.

i was contemplating on going from 1 gallon to the 5 gallon....ive heard alot of perspectives on the subject matter of transplanting and since i dont have any experience its hard to judge what to go with for the first op....i will be using some mykos for a decent microbe environment as ive heard it helps with nutrient uptake and transplant shock.


Well-Known Member
i agree with your sentiments exactly. i love discussing ideas and finding out how others do things. i cant wait to have a first harvest under my belt so i can start delving into giving more advise and learning new techniques.

i was contemplating on going from 1 gallon to the 5 gallon....ive heard alot of perspectives on the subject matter of transplanting and since i dont have any experience its hard to judge what to go with for the first op....i will be using some mykos for a decent microbe environment as ive heard it helps with nutrient uptake and transplant shock.
Be careful about 'giving advice' That usually ends up inviting trolls to your party.Troll.jpg