crazyest time on acid?


Well-Known Member
alright, heres mine :] me and a group of friends took some sid. me and one of my closer friends took two and half gel tabs. well i thought something was to funny and i ended up pissing myself and getting naked. then i walked around my hood and around main streets all night while being completely naked. many cops passed me buy nobody seemed to care. then my other group of friends came back and i was still naked. i was sitting bare assed on top of my friends van and his bub was siting next to me. i grabbed it slammed it on the van then threw it in some woods. then i got in the van grabbed a heavy wooded mask and threw it at my friends windshield and broke it. then grabbed a chainsaw and tried to start it, chased my other friend down and threw it at him. then ran away in the woods and hid ( thought they were chasing me down to kill me) then they finally found me and they took me home and we passed a cop car that was looking for me. (almost got caught).. it was all fun though.. i think i went temp insane or something.. any good stories guys? :] :clap::clap:


New Member
I don't remember most of it :lol: Bunch of us dropped acid at kentucky downs derby race when the infield was still allowed to be one big raucous party. Did that three years in a row. Lots of fun.

out. :blsmoke:


New Member
I do remember that we were roving around trying to get to the fence. That took forever :lol: Then when we got there Ray (buddy) said we missed it (the race). As soon as he turned and said that the horses went flying by him as his back was turned. We all fell out.... :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha. i remember my friends told my other friend that there was a hurricane going on when we were at the drive in, he started to freak out and hid. it was priceless. the things that the little ass tabs do to you.. its GREEATTTT!


New Member
:lol: so true. I was in virginia one summer living on a ranch and we had a wicked acid party and this one little sweet farm girl started to get a little unhinged and insisted someone take her home. I agreed and tried to calm her down the whole way to her house on those dark country roads. She was just starting to chill (I remember how f'n big her daddy was :lol:) when out of nowhere a rabbit darts out. I swerve and she just FREAKS!!! "YOU KILLED HIM YOU KILLED HIM"!! I'm like no I didn't i swear it's fine. So I turn the car around to show her it was A OK... well sure enough there was a splattered rabbit right in my lane. OMG did she start wailing then!! :lol: I took her behind her daddies fileds for an hour before I was able to get her to be semi normal. He would have shot me... :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lmao that must of been so funny! i had this one bitch who dropped only one hit and cried for 7 straight hours. i was bout to kill her! so annoying!


Well-Known Member
The most intense trip I have every experienced off lsd was on some green gel-tabs.

1998 I was looking to get an oz of shrooms and that fell through. So I went to wander around High street up by campus to find some goods. I walked up to a party and went inside walked through the house to the back kitchen and found a dude I recognized from school. I asked If he could find any shrooms?
He said 'No but I got some acid'

Well I took four and my friends each took two at about 6 in the evening. I had told my mom that I was going to a school dance and she worked till midnight so I had some time......WRONG.

So back to the party.....

I followed the dude in between houses away from the party and he pulled out what looked like 400 hits and cut off 8 for $20. Not bad but I though it was expensive at the time. After I bought it I grabbed some BC hydro of him also and went inside to roast a fatty while waiting for the trip to settle in.

My friends and I where smoking with some kids at the party that looked like they just fell off tour. I was talking an mention I ate some acid and the said I ate 4 of the green gels and the guy about to hit the pipe stopped looked me dead in the eye and said with a smirk '4? Damn, good luck."

Immediately I though 'Oh fuck, Stopped a Wool garmented dreaded stick ball in mid toke.' My friends and I decided to get the fuck out of the place and go to whatcom falls park to chill out while shit kicked in.

Well we got there and shit was getting weird(not too visual yet) while walking and we ended up running from our shadows back to the vehicle because we started to get the fear. This shit was coming on strong and we needed to find safer ground very soon. I drove up top of barkley hill and sat under a street light to split up our bag of herb we got.

While siting and smoking laughing and spliting our 10g qt(nice hook up at the time) I noticed the trees dripping ink into the cracks and splits of the earthquaking road. I was like fuck this is the beginning of the trip I better get these kids home before I cannot drive.

I should never have driven but being young and dumb and afraid off getting busted by parents I drove. The drive was fucking insane the lines in the roads where waving all over the fucking place but there was a constant line that would pulse while the line waved around. Cars vans trucks would drive past me and then disappear and some would be constant.

I got home 30min before my mom got home from work. I was in my room with the black light on under my covers like I was in bed in case my mom knocked to check up. well she did and just talked to me through the door asking me shit like how the dance was. I think I made up some story about being pissed at a girl and wanting to go to sleep.

So I tripped by myself in the room all fucking night. I was so entertained by the constant visuals all over the place. I watched little dots race around a pencils drawing a girl did form me that was on the wall. I held conversations with my posters and painting I had done. Dorothy in a dark side of OZ watercolor I did spoke some weird electrical Swahili but I understood her. I put on head phones to listen to darkside of the moon. The heart pulse at the beginning of the album started to beat with mine, I felt it as my whole reality. I looked down at the cd player and the digits look like the text used for Predator in the comics then the cd player came alive and was bouncing up and down on my leg snapping the lid like a mouth. I through off the head phones and my room started to liquify into water that was draining into me!!!! I had to climb my way into standing up, it was weird.

I was calmed down a bit and so had the visuals, at one point I decided to look in the bathroom mirror at my face and melt a bit. Boy did I melt. My head melted into 2 flesh colored spheres floating above my neck and the melted right back together!
When I looked into my eyes I saw millions of colors swirling around the pupils ( reminded me of an old skool 80's HBO add that had colors swirling inside the 3d O)

Oh yeah at the peak I looked outside my window ( lived at the end of a cul de sac)
It was around 3-4am and it was daylight out sun shining and the side walks were acting like water on the beach growing and then receding. Trees/bushes would shoot up and then back down into the ground. Neighbors where out walking their dogs, but had no faces just skin color. They walked around bumping into things then turn around and walk until bumping into another thing to change direction again.

Ummmm....I tripped until the sun came up. My mom left in the morning to go do sum shit I forget what. And I smoked herb all day to cope with the mind blowing experience I just had.


New Member
:lol: Great story man. Funny, when you first posted you took 4, I said the same thing as that guy did at the party. It was a laff to read it a bit later. A good acid trip depends on three things.
1.) acid needs to be good (duh :lol:)
2.) your attitude and environment need to be positive
3.) you need to be a normal person before you trip. (charlie manson should not do acid :mrgreen:)

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha. i had alot of the same things. i saw hitler in my rebel flag many times. like straight staring at hitler.. so fucking weird. but i love it at the same time. HAVE TO FIND NEW GUY!


New Member
Yah, it's not like I'm an acid head, i only have so many stories in me... :lol:

I used to work off of ranches years ago and took great delight in eating shrooms when they were in season. I just dust them off and pop em in. One time I swear this hawk was following me from tree to tree as I went. every time i looked up he was there. It took me a long time to figure out that I was the one making the gradual circle and not him :lol:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well here is my story. I was in St.Louis heading to Chicago for the last Dead show right before Garcia bought the farm. I met a friend in the parking lot. It was his birthday and a friend of our Squirrel gave him a small vial of liquid. He ran up to me gave me a hug and said hey man its my birthday lets celebrate. So I thought why not. I told him give me about 2 or 3 drops. Needless to say he was high as hell. He filled the dropper and said open wide. As he was putting the dropper on my tongue I noticed him shaking. I ask you want me to do that. He says no I am fine. So he goes to put 2 drops and twitches and squeezes the whole damn thing in my mouth. I could feel the crystals in my mouth. I thought GREAT I AM FUCKED. And I was. LOL I went into the show and it started kicking in I was thinking wow this isnt what I thought it would be. I thought this shit is weak. The Dead was playing China Cat and going into Know you rider. And thats when it happened I look over at my friends and they were all BLUE!! My mind was racing I couldnt hear. And I could see the music coming out of the speakers on stage. I couldnt understand anything it was like everyone was speaking a different language. So I booked out of the show. In the parking lot I was sinking into what I thought was a tar pit. I found a tree and climbed up it so not to sink into the earth. And stayed there for the nest 3 hour. I was High for the next 2 days. And thats when I stopped doing LSD. Lesson learned LOL:hump:


Well-Known Member
yeah ive been through the high friend putting the whole dropper in there free trips great!! anyway one time we were on my buddies roof and something streak through the sky i yelled look its the space shuttle and everyone died laughing because we thought we were having a mass hallucination then we went in the house turned on the tv just in time to see the space shuttle landing in florida that really tripped us out and we died laughing again


Well-Known Member
Drivin home from a rave in ATL in a tropical storm... ho-ly shiznittle!!! Rain streamin all over the windows, it was so hard not to stare!


Well-Known Member
craziest time i had was this one time when me and my gf dropped 2 hits of some real bomb acid, and it was none of that DOI shit that some ppl give as acid. so yeah, we dropped it and proceeded to watch silent hill :| that shit was intense! i cant even describe how scary it was, it was just fucked. so yeah, about half way through that i needed to piss so i went upstairs to the washroom and her parents were just standing there, no tv, not talking, just standing there, needless to say this tripped me the fuck out, so i just got to the washroom as quickly as possible. i basically forgot all about taking a piss and looked in the mirror for like half an hour which was trippy as hell. so yeah eventually i go to leave and it sounded like there was a fuckin war going on on the other side of the door so i was really afraid to leave the washroom lol. i cant really remember much else but it was intense to say the least.


Well-Known Member
awsome thread red420neck....

my craziest acid trip was the one time i had a bad trip. this was the strongest acid ive ever dropped it was white paper and we got it from some kid that went to Barry University. well i thought ive tripped alot i can handle this so i took 1.5 hits, that .5 was a mistake. so my other friend took 1 hit and we start off watching half baked. i know this movie and its all good until 15mins after dropping i dont know what movie it is anymore. shit was really staring to go crazy. the people in the movie were coming out of the screen like a head or an arm would pop out at me it was crazy. then it got to a point where i didnt know that i took acid and i thought this is the way life is. i kept repeating "im never gonna come back" and "im stuck like this forever" so much that my friends were getting annoyed. and my friend who took the hit was tripping good but not on my level. i thought that he had already finished tripping and that i had been stuck like that on his couch for years. and iut felt like nobody cared that i was like that or even tried to help me. i just kept watching my friends walk by and look at me like wtf is wrong with him. as my friends walked between me and the TV whatever part of thier body was in front of the TV would get sucked into it. it just felt horrible like i was almost gonna come back to normal and then i would trip nasty all over again. i thought i was dead for real. the only piece of reality i had was a tag that i drew on my friends wall. his walls were covered in graffiti but i could only read this one tag. looking at that tag was the only thing that made me remember that sanity existed and i was just tripping. it went on like that for 4 hours. then all of a sudden i instantly came out of the "bad trip" and started tripping good. it was sooo strange in one instant i went from thinking i was dead to being able to smell, taste, see, feel, and hear everyting around me. i just looked around and realized i was on acid and it felt like taking in a breath of air after holding your breath under water as long as you can. i was sooo happy just to be alive. after that i tripped reallly nice for the whole night about 12 hours. the rest of the night was all laughing and listening to music just lauging my ass off. i was an experience i would never want to have again, but im glad it happened. it actually made me appreciate life alot more. and i have new respect for the almighty LSD.

i just spoke to my old cid connect, hopeing to get some for this weekend. if so ill post my trip.