Crazytrain's Pc Case Perpetual Autos


Well-Known Member
looks good crazy!! that la diva is a trip!! i guess you'll get a fat bowl or a few bong hit from it. the blueberry looks delicious though.


Well-Known Member
Looking good Craytrain. What kind of yield do you get out of one plant in one of your pc grows?
thanks man. my first auto grow was 2 lr#1. got 15 grams total. last grow was a bagseed. got 31 grams off one plant. hoping for at least 20 grams.

looks good crazy!! that la diva is a trip!! i guess you'll get a fat bowl or a few bong hit from it. the blueberry looks delicious though.
thanks bro. man i figured i would let it go no matter what and see what happens so here she is maybe an inch tall with 4 sets of nodes flowering haha.



Active Member
CT, wow, they are looking great. Nice re-pot... The blueberry looks unreal good. My wife even made similar comments looking over my shoulder.

One question for you, ever thought about smart pots? or is there a reason you don't use them. I am considering using them as my get older.



Well-Known Member
bad thing about the smart pots is their smallest size is 1 gallon and has a 7" footprint. a lot of folks have made their own for smaller spaces, but in a PC case 7" is a lot of real estate


Well-Known Member
this is true gum. i guess i havent gotten em because of space being an issue and i already have some pots so no needs really lol. here are a few pics i just took. blueberry has soaked up some water and is looking very perky compared to the update pics.



Active Member
Cool. I think I probably have a little bit more room, so I may try them. I have four 1 gallon smart pots so I may give them a try after a week or so from now once my plants grow out their roots.


Well-Known Member
DAY 19

Plant Stage: veg/flower
Light Cycle: 18/6
Lights: 1 125w cfl
Medium: ffof
Ferts: none
Strain: lowlife auto blueberry femm, delicious la diva auto femm

whats happenin fellow ganja lovers? ok so blueberry got a lil dose or LST(in loud echoey voice) ha im high. anyways la diva is kinda starting to stretch. i used 2 twist ties to tie her down. went to my grow shop today to get some info on organic flower nutes. might go with a small bottle of hygrozyme and some other stuff when i get my next pay check. you can see the little white hairs on the la diva. silly little thing.

so the blueberry has a little yellowing on her lower leaves. could it be because the leaves are touching the soil or is it nitrogen its wanting? if so ill hit it with 1/4 strength grow nutes.....suggestions?

heres a few pics

peace out



Well-Known Member
newplant1.jpgwow she blew up! lookin real good glad yo decided to LST..i know i keep talkin shit about me puttin up a journal i really need to i just work a lot...but here's a lil sneak peak...nothin special


Well-Known Member
Heya Crazy

Sick ass PC and journal man!! I love the update layout, so familiar :)

Very impressed by the amount of bud you pulled in your first run, that was the bagseed that was in the very first pic in this thread right? If so, damn impressive for a PC grow!

This grow is coming along nicely, subscribed for sure, sorry I didnt see it earlier just been real busy. I usually check the AF thread 2 or 3 times a week and thats it.

Cant wait to see how these babies turn out for ya, got a 12 plant Diesel Ryder SOG going under a 250HPS right now though. No journal though, promised the wife :( I may toss a pic or 2 up in the AF thread or something later, if she is ok with it haha!! Did you ever catch my Diesel Ryder SOG on ICMAG? Ran 8 in the mini fridge under the 150HPS and pulled 4.6oz. Getting close to an ounce per under the 250 though :)

Ill pop in from time to time and check your grow, should be a great one!!



Well-Known Member
Hi there crazy! nice auto collection hehe ;) subd to the journal, looking good.

I saw that in your previous grow you were using 4 23W and you switched to an 125W ? how was the change like ? I'm asking coz I'm about to improve the lighting in my pc grow and I'm still not sure if I should get 5 small bulbs (more space for the plants) or one 105 or 150 W bulb (better lighting?). At the moment I'm thinking that I'll go for the big bulb but not 100% sure because I'll loose a lot of space and I'd like to fit 2 plants in the box :)



Well-Known Member
View attachment 1197986wow she blew up! lookin real good glad yo decided to LST..i know i keep talkin shit about me puttin up a journal i really need to i just work a lot...but here's a lil sneak peak...nothin special
lookin good dude. what strain?

Heya Crazy

Sick ass PC and journal man!! I love the update layout, so familiar :)

Very impressed by the amount of bud you pulled in your first run, that was the bagseed that was in the very first pic in this thread right? If so, damn impressive for a PC grow!

This grow is coming along nicely, subscribed for sure, sorry I didnt see it earlier just been real busy. I usually check the AF thread 2 or 3 times a week and thats it.

Cant wait to see how these babies turn out for ya, got a 12 plant Diesel Ryder SOG going under a 250HPS right now though. No journal though, promised the wife :( I may toss a pic or 2 up in the AF thread or something later, if she is ok with it haha!! Did you ever catch my Diesel Ryder SOG on ICMAG? Ran 8 in the mini fridge under the 150HPS and pulled 4.6oz. Getting close to an ounce per under the 250 though :)

Ill pop in from time to time and check your grow, should be a great one!!


what up kb how ya been bro

so yea i stole your update layout haha yea man first grow with the new set up bagseed got 31 grams. i don't really venture to the other forums unless i know of someone on there. i knew you went so i followed your last grow til it was over. those are some good results, you have come a long way with those dr's.

take it easy man
looks good. i say the blueberry prob needs some veg nutes.
i will give 1/4 strength at next watering.

Hi there crazy! nice auto collection hehe ;) subd to the journal, looking good.

I saw that in your previous grow you were using 4 23W and you switched to an 125W ? how was the change like ? I'm asking coz I'm about to improve the lighting in my pc grow and I'm still not sure if I should get 5 small bulbs (more space for the plants) or one 105 or 150 W bulb (better lighting?). At the moment I'm thinking that I'll go for the big bulb but not 100% sure because I'll loose a lot of space and I'd like to fit 2 plants in the box :)

hey dude

yea started with 4 23 watters and switched to the 125w. with the small lights you do hav more room but it is more lights to cool so keep that in mind. i would go with a 125 or a 150. if you can try to find dual spectrum.

ill be here if you have any questions.



Well-Known Member
its a strain bred by one of my homeboys out in Dallas, he was supposed to give me Bubba Kush, but the seeds got mixed (too high lol) so its either gonna be Bubba Kush, Romulan, Sour D, or this strain he calls Pepper that he really hoping its the pepper!


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. there is alot of romulan that is grown in the dallas area. ive had it many times. not as good as other romulan ive had. i have a buddy up there that has a perp system with 2 600w hps. shoot me a pm if you ever come to h town


Active Member
CT, I'm in the metro as well... peace out on that. My best friend lived in H toiwn as well... how white can i be? very! plant looks good CT


Well-Known Member
sounds good man. there is alot of romulan that is grown in the dallas area. ive had it many times. not as good as other romulan ive had. i have a buddy up there that has a perp system with 2 600w hps. shoot me a pm if you ever come to h town
YOU ALREADY KNOW! will prolly be makin a trip out there soon i have to pick up a script....:-) shhhh


Well-Known Member
haha a script huh? haha so from all the pics ive seen on this site. just about 99% of growers on here are white. yall noticed that? but yea easy420 VERY WHITE haha

i used a coat hanger and staked her down more and re tied her down again. should be starting to grow taller lower shoots soon.

peace dudes


Active Member
haha a script huh? haha so from all the pics ive seen on this site. just about 99% of growers on here are white. yall noticed that? but yea easy420 VERY WHITE haha
I don't much concern on color anyways... wee are all one species in the world just doing the best we can while we are here. I just like the sense of neighborliness. good people here, for the most part.