Well-Known Member
Have you ever pondered what happens after you die? I think it is the primary focus of most people and living things.They are standards...not "the" standards. There is no measurement that takes all things into account. Indagros's v-c-f system is one of the closest showing the mix of spectrum+output+plant needs that I know of.
It's not perfect, but it is plant orientated lighting science, not just pretty colors.
All these things people dont consider "useful" to plant development should rethink a few things, how do know that, constant light at 2700K wont damage DNA inside the plant? What about accessory pigments, you would have to develop a hole set of new PAR ratings for these? Taking one narrow band of light and blasting it at higher then normal intensity would penetrate further into plant cell probably on the edge of damaging reproductive DNA, you would still have the same amount of "PAR Watts" or how ever you calculate it, but the effects are still unknown, you could have a decay in species development even over a few generations.
There are millions and millions of years worth of data growing with the sun and only maybe the last 100-200 years growing with artificial light, I am sure you guys with get it worked out soon enough