-increased electric bill due to reduced efficiency
-finding a 1950mA driver at a competitive price. We have access to cheap 700, 900, 1050 and 1400mA drivers but nothing above that (yet)
Thank you Supra. I agree about efficiency.
1950 mA might be tough to get, I like that 3590 needs less current and more voltage. may be the drivers will be cheeper for 3590 after a while.
See attached comparison for 3590 at 0.6A and 1.4A.
If you get $100 2 * 3590 at 0.6A a or $50 1 *3590 at 1.4A you will get same light output.
Using lower current and 2 chips we can save $26 in power each year. It will pay for itself in 2 years.
If you consider extra cost of double heatsink, double power etc you will still likely breakeven at 4-5 years.
BUT you are right using 2 piece underpowered designed it will increase the lifetime. But then CREE will have better emitters and we young generation like to play with new stuff
I guess its a matter of choice. Ideally current should be variable so that you can use it anywhere between 0.7 to 1.4Amps
Question: When you choose constant current driver. Do i just look at Watts, Voltage around Vf and Current (as desired)
Or should i look for anything else. Thank you
Got 3590 efficiency from your thread Supra. Not sure where did you find this.
Also 1 watt running 14hrs a day for 365 days at 0.20 cents per killo watt is Aprox$1 per year