Creeper experiment

So me and my wonderful boyfriend are growing these beauties. I think this is pretty good for our what I consider first real try. Gotta love monotubs no matter how small :]. Comment and tell me what you think?

O btw I know I am pretty bad at taking pictures

2011-02-10 22.08.21.jpgdownload (1).jpg2011-02-10 22.08.07.jpgdownload.jpg
thank you guys they are actaully popping up faster then I expected
I know I was supposed to sprinkle my sterilized mix over the random white areas
but I was scared of contamination especially since I have a cat and dog that shed pretty bad.

I have some more pics today of the mushies. Are the heads supposed to be smaller then the stalk?



Well-Known Member
You may consider increasing your FAE, maybe increase number of holes or remove some of the pollyfill from existing holes so its not stuffed so tight.
looks to me as if your not getting enough FAE thats likely why your shrooms are growing so skinny with small caps, id also think thats why your pinning is sorta sporadic....
High: Yea it is quite a sausage fest, but in this situation isn't it a good thing.

Darth: yea I agree with you. the poly being so tight is causing problems. I'm going to have to talk it over with my boyfriend to see what he wants me to do first I wouldn't want to fuck anything up and just did my own thing willy nilly. but do you think redoing the poly now would cause any complications or contamination


Well-Known Member
You probably wouldn't have to pull it out just cut some excess off... and see if that helps. you may not even notice a difference untill next flush...


Well-Known Member
thank you guys they are actaully popping up faster then I expected
I know I was supposed to sprinkle my sterilized mix over the random white areas
but I was scared of contamination especially since I have a cat and dog that shed pretty bad.

I have some more pics today of the mushies. Are the heads supposed to be smaller then the stalk?

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congrats ur on your way to your first flush


Well-Known Member
Could you tell us your method as far as sub and spawn ratio, size of tub, temps, is it a specific tek?

I wonder about the plastic wrap, is it inside the lid?

I do think fae is an issue just from the appearance of the fruit. The poyfill does look excessive. All you may need to do is remove or loosen the polyfill, and if the plastic wrap is being used to seal the lid, remove it. A loose fitting lid is good.

What kind of air movement is in the room?
lol I will have to have my boyfriend but up the mix and what we did. but he is out of town at the moment. so pretty much im just taking pictures everyday and checking up on the mushies