CREEPER WEED: Fact or Fiction?

Heh. Is there anyone here who's been dry long enough to get to a baseline? My THC / blood levels are measured in parts per tens.

Last time I tried to do a system flush, three weeks later I was still testing higher than the International Space Station according the Wal-Greens "test your kids" kit. That was back in 2014. The smoke that brought me out of that failed experiment didn't creep at all. Haven't stopped smoking since.
When we were like 12 or so there was "creeper" weed from time to time, don't really recall any specifics of actually smoking it though, more as a thing people talked about. Midwest area in the early 90s. Various tales of kids smoking some weed and then falling down 15 minutes later super high. Idk, maybe they just didn't realize how high they were at first.
I was just talking with a friend about a strain we both remembered. It was an awesome creeper, once the high set in it literally alternated between energetic stone, and couch lock in almost perfect ten minutes intervals. And it was like that through the entire high. It was like the perfect hybrid with indica and sativa fighting over the buzz. Anybody else ever have that experience?
I remember the creeper weed from long ago. Late 70's thru the 80's .four fingers for 10$. If you know what that means then you'll know I was there. If I remember right . it came with a name which was rare back then and only certain times of the year. Oaxaca and moaxaca. I haven't seen it for a long time. But in the last year or so I've managed to score two different strains of Oaxaca and scored some bagseed that had the Oaxaca smell only Oaxaca had. I'll get to them soon. Last year I popped three of my blue Oaxaca. 1 didn't make it and the other two were males. I do have pollon stored away from those 2 for later breeding projects. A long with some sour diesel lemon skunk pollon..Polish_20200908_080728239.jpgIMG_20210517_160204_01.png
Yep, good o'l creeper weed. Roll a joint and pass it around. Roll another and pass it around cause the first one didn't work and before you could finish the second one the first one is snuck up from behind and thumped the back of your head till yours eyes were bleeding cause they we're so red.
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Fact. I smoked it. Its real. Not just psychosomatic. A friend showed up with it.. it was 1995ish.

"This is creeper weed," he said. "You smoke it and you think you're not high, then it creeps up on you."

Yeah right, I thought. He literally said it and it went around my ears, not in them.

We smoked. It was night time. On a porch, dark. Stupid high school kids.. We talked, didn't feel anything, he reminded me it took time. Between 3-6 minutes after smoking, we were inside and the shit suddenly hit me like I was tripping. I was talking, and I could hear myself but I felt like I wasn't there. My friend started laughing and agreeing. I couldn't believe it. I went from no stone after smoking a good joint to super high and literaly creeped out by it.

I havent smoked anything quite like that since, but I've heard Alaskan Thunder Fuck does it and I wouldn't be suprised if thats what we had..

To note, the 'Creeper' strain in the old SSSC catlog, as well as in the new one, have that name based on growing like vines, not related to their highs.
I remember the creep. More sticks and seeds than bud. Smelled terrible at best. Smoke a joint, and about the time you forgot you smoked, it hit you like a freight train. I loved the high.
I do recall the name, but really couldn't say if it "creeped" or was maybe just being younger and inexperienced? 95-ish does sound like the correct time period.

Definitely a thing though and was popular at the time, but yeah, I couldn't say I have a solid memory of what it was actually like, more people raving about how they didn't think they were high so kept smoking and then fell down 20 minutes later or something.