Crimea Blue,Trainwreck,Violator Kush 1st Hydro Medical


Well-Known Member
DAY 29

I changed out the res and upped the nutes yesterday. The ph is 5.7 today and 503ppm. After 24 hours with the upped nutes there are no signs of fuck-up. Trainwreck is looking hella good as is Crimea Blue. I did'nt think I would need some odor control for just the 2 until flowering but they really fuckin smell good. There is a dead moth there, and I found a bug on CB. CB is on the left, Trainwreck on right.

CRIMEA BLUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Active Member
hey caddy sorry to bother you but im new to this forum and i cant find out how to start my own thread please please give me an insight coz i got a grow on right now im desperate to show to the world :confused:


Well-Known Member
you're new to riu but have a join date of Nov '06?!? go to riu home page, go to 'grow journal' threads, then click on 'new thread'.


Active Member
thankyou for telling me how i couldnt find it. oh and yes i did start this a while ago but due to money shortages i had to get rid of my computer anyway i signed up to and got slagged off for being an undereducated hobby grower just because i cant use words very well so i decide to immigrate to this site were people seem a little bit more understanding of my inability and again thanks :peace:


Well-Known Member
DAY 34

Things are going good, the ph stayed between 5.4-5.7. I have not had to adjust the res at all! ppm today was around 400. I topped pff the res and raised the light. I'll change the res in a few days, Trainwreck is now taller and wider than Crimea Blue.

Crimea Blue```````````````````````````````````````




Well-Known Member
how's it Vette? good to see ya round here. how much longer on your T-wreck? looks yummy![/quot

It will be at Least two weeks Im thinking ... Ive stopped giving it nutes .. its all sugar coated now but far from done ..... Its a good thing it aint here cause im dry I'd be clipping her


Well-Known Member
thanx mane, I'm just waiting for them to get bigger so I can take some cuttings, I've never cloned before so I don't know how big they should be. Anyone know?
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Well-Known Member
DAY 37

Everything is going good, they look a little droopy but it's been real humid. I hope that's why. I changed the res and added another res so now each plant has it's own. I also bought two airstones so each res will still have two 4''airstones. I also added another light. The ph is steady at 5.7, and PPM for both res' is around 500. I am still using a few drops of rooting hormone in each res. C.B. on left, T-wreck on right.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CRIMEA BLUE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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Well-Known Member
thanx mane, I'm just waiting for them to get bigger so I can take some cuttings, I've never cloned before so I don't know how big they should be. Anyone know?
when a branch is a good 3-4 in long is when i take em.
I just got a feelin those plants will produce fo ya.


Active Member
thanx mane, I'm just waiting for them to get bigger so I can take some cuttings, I've never cloned before so I don't know how big they should be. Anyone know?

I think size is a GOOD INDICATOR, but you should wait till the plant is atleast two MONTHS old.



Well-Known Member
looking good! I've been awaiting funds to arrive via the postal service, but I've decided to use the good ol Visa to get me some seeds. Who knows the best place to order? I've herad of a few places that give free seeds with every order. Which vendors do this?

I am planning on DWC for the entire grow and have a 2 tank reservior setup that holds about 10 gallons. I ended up making the setup for DWC or Ebb/flow type grows by adding a remote res and a recirculating water pump system along with the 4 airstones.

Think 10 gals for 4 plants is a decent size to not have to worry daily?

I'm also waiting for Milwaukee to return my defective TDS, EC, PH meter. I'll tell you about the hydro shop near me and why they suck when I post in my own thread.

Good job!!!



Well-Known Member
Day 43
Thanks for stopping by everyone, I have been without internet for a while but am back now. I have a ton of pics but will just post some. I have started clones, 5 Trainwreck and 4 Crimea Blue with 100% success. A few have looked real bad but they have roots and are growing. I am using a aero cloner for the first time. I am using ph adjusted water to 5.8, and 1/2 a ml of hydrogen peroxide. The res is about a gallon and a half. The water gets real warm with the pump running 24/7.

CRIMEA BLUE ---------------------


I Fimmed her today, Thanks goes out to STEALTHPANDA and his diagram posted in his grow journal. I ended up with 8 tops as you will see.....
