Crippling arthritis helped by a joint

Hi guys I'm new to this forum an just thought I'd drop in and say how jelous I am of you people who can get medical weed out there in canada and America, I live in the u.k. And have really bad arthritis I'm my knees feet and back, I'm only 28 and already registered disabled, I'm on every type of pain killer you can imagine and even morphine patches, the only thing that comes close to lowering my pain levels is a joint which I have every night before I go to bed to lover the pain enough for me to go to. Sleep, I've just started trying to grow my 1st batch in a aerogarden but do you guys think it will ever be available to some1 like me over here on the nhs?


Active Member
I'm not sure about in the UK...If it does get fully legalized in the US anytime soon it may spread to Europe ( Proposition 19 in Cali made it to second ballot)...If the political fucks in charge in Europe pull their heads from there asses...
No offense either, I lived in the UK for 7 years, great place...Shitty fucking government, they fuck over their people too much for my taste...
BTW...Attitude Seed Bank...awesome...
They're having a sweet deal atm, you should check it out...
Good luck to you, and sucks about the arthritis...
Cheers for the reply bro, I agree with you about the govement over here they are a bunch of pricks, weeds the only thing that dulls my pain yet they would rather ply me with these fucked up morphine patches, anyway enough whinein I'll just av to keep gettin the shit illegally and hope my aerogarden grow comes out with a good result, oh and has anyone got any good things to say about aerogardens or are they shit?


Active Member
I agree with the original poster. MJ does help with arthritis pain. I have the early stages of rheumatoid arthritis, and after a couple of tokes, my joints always feel better. Not 100% but better than they were. I would also suggest you try a glucosamine/condroitin suppliment. They take about a week of taking them regularly before you notice the effects, but they do work.

Never grown in an aero garden, but SilentSmoker is right. Deep water culture is a great way to grow. I have used it since my first grow and have found it to be fairly easy. Just watch your PH and nutrient levels and your plants will thrive.