Crisis in the Ukraine

Will there be war?

  • NATO will do nothing

    Votes: 32 80.0%
  • NATO will confront Russia

    Votes: 8 20.0%

  • Total voters
what are ur personal outlooks if the current affairs role on without major change?
- Ukraine becomes a Soviet satellite state
- another cold-econ war via sanctions which is
- circumvented by the East Asians who will come out as the major benefittors of the whole drama

Ukraine becomes a Soviet satellite state
The World won't allow it
another cold-econ war via sanctions which is
Sanctions will remain until Russia pays compensation to Ukraine
circumvented by the East Asians who will come out as the major benefittors of the whole drama
China will come out ahead as Russia is going to be fucked for the next 20 years, leaving China the #2 dog in the ring
And they really, really want to be #1
Russia is finished
Watch out for China.
They are the real threat.
Looks that, doesn't it.
This is pretty fucking weird though watching the tanks blowing up/airplanes and helicopters shot down on live TV
Fucking nuts.
Yeah it's insane,and it's been mentioned that Russia's tactics have been weird,they can FK w/our election yet allow WIFI in combat zone so people can post all this footage? I also can't understand how they didn't deploy airborne or Spetsnaz units into Ukraine's West to interdict the supply line running East to Kviv,any armchair General could tell you supplies were going to be funneled from the West,it's strange,the Russian's can't be that stupid,can they?
Really? I didn't know that, but then again, I've never typed it before.

For those that don't know, that is a punch-line from a joke that is before your time. :lol:


" Little Johnny had an accident.
One day, while working on the family farm, Little Johnny fell and badly damaged his left eye. The doctors couldn’t save it, so it was removed.

His family didn’t have the money for a fancy prosthesis, so his dad whittled him a wooden eye, and carefully painted and lacquered it. From a distance, you couldn’t even tell it was fake.

Johnny eventually grew accustomed to it, and regained his confidence enough to go stag at the next school dance. Once there, he marched up to the girl he’d had a crush on since the fourth grade, and asked her if she’d like to dance.

“Would I? Would I?” she exclaimed happily.

“Hey!” said little Johnny. “I didn’t say anything about your harelip!” "
Nothing will happen. Russia will take over the area like they did Crimea. The best to hope for would be to get the people that want to remain in Ukraine out. Many have been evacuated before hand.

Germany moves to halt Russia gas pipeline over Ukraine crisis
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday moved to halt the certification of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's recognition of two breakaway regions in eastern Ukraine and decision to deploy troops to the areas.

“In light of the most recent developments, we must reassess the situation, in particular, regarding Nord Stream 2,” Scholz said, according to CNBC.

Scholz reportedly stated that his nation would not recognize the pro-Russian, separatist regions of Ukraine, adding that he would order German officials to “make sure that this pipeline cannot be certified at this point in time, and without this certification Nord Stream 2 cannot operate.”

“The appropriate departments of the economy ministry will make a new assessment of the security of our supply in light of what has changed in last few days,” Scholz said, according to CNBC.

Nord Stream 2, which was constructed to double the gas flow from Russia to Germany, had been a source of contention. It faced opposition from Washington and Kyiv due to concerns that it would increase European energy dependence on Moscow and make Ukraine more susceptible to a Russian invasion, notes Reuters.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said in a tweet on Tuesday that President Biden "made clear that if Russia invaded Ukraine, we would act with Germany to ensure Nord Stream 2 does not move forward."

"We have been in close consultations with Germany overnight and welcome their announcement," she added. "We will be following up with our own measures today."

It will cost Russia but how much is the recovered area worth, a couple of billion. Worth it. In a couple of years the world will be used to Russia owning the area. Not a big deal for Putin, he can nibble away at the rest of the countries that are not part of Nato. Might even gobble up some of those if Americans do not want to go to war. Putin is betting on the left-right war in the US will keep the US divided and nothing will happen no matter what he does.
Vlad will be driven out of those "separatist" provinces, this war will not end until the Russians are gone from there and Crimea and Ukraine will bleed him white until he does. There are consequences for losing a war this badly and Vlad is going to pay them, probably the next domino to fall will be Belarus to revolution. They are surrounded on three sides, not by NATO, but by free TV and radio which reaches deeply into the country and they know the truth way more than the Russians do. Vlad will have to explain why he is attacking yet another Russian speaking Slavic neighbor. Already the dictator there has been propped up by Russian troops for months after mass demonstrations and riots. Like I said the place is soaked in western Russian language media from 3 sides and it will get worse over time.
Yeah it's insane,and it's been mentioned that Russia's tactics have been weird,they can FK w/our election yet allow WIFI in combat zone so people can post all this footage? I also can't understand how they didn't deploy airborne or Spetsnaz units into Ukraine's West to interdict the supply line running East to Kviv,any armchair General could tell you supplies were going to be funneled from the West,it's strange,the Russian's can't be that stupid,can they?

They're conscripts who'd rather be back in Moscow living their teenage dream; how willing could they be or more de-moralized with 20 year old rations?

Fuuuuuuuuck that shit man.