Crisis In Ukraine..News Bullletin!!!

I think it is telling that they are talking about removing the US Ambassador. I know there are back channel communications but it is basically saying that the country is not interested in talking about it.

We over heard, there is some deal with Russia that depended on Obama's re-up. Maybe this is the deal? Russia can have control in Ukraine.
nice copy and paste..still see you have none of your own thoughts..welcome back!
Oh I have my own thoughts. I just wonder why the left doesn't support what your savior Clinton did in the name of world peace.

If we don't support the Ukraine who is going to believe us about an Iranian non-nuke deal.
Oh I have my own thoughts. I just wonder why the left doesn't support what your savior Clinton did in the name of world peace.

If we don't support the Ukraine who is going to believe us about an Iranian non-nuke deal.

not so fast..where have you been?
I have noticed that you conveniently over look past agreements.

I thought we all have an adult agreement not to spam. We all have decided that just cutting a snip and pasting it with no context, link or explanation, in is not useful, at all. You leave it hanging with no original thought added. You say you have some. Well ....prove it. :) Very bad form.

IOW, despite what you may think about your agreements with individuals, this one general RIU one, You Broke. OK?
I thought we all have an adult agreement not to spam. We all have decided that just cutting a snip and pasting it with no context, link or explanation, in is not useful, at all. You leave it hanging with no original thought added. You say you have some. Well ....prove it. :) Very bad form.

IOW, despite what you may think about your agreements with individuals, this one general RIU one, You Broke. OK?

true right wing propaganda without source.
it's from "the blaze" surprising:

  1. Fact Check: Could a Little-Known International Agreement With Ukraine Force U.S., Britain Into War With Russia? ‎- by Jason Howerton ‎- 1 day ago
    ... United States and Britain "reaffirmed" their commitment to protect Ukraine's borders in exchange for the nation giving up its nuclear weapons ...

Facts are facts, and sources are sources. Some sources do not produce any facts, so bound up in trivia of emotion tampering. Some sources have generally correct facts but not all. But, facts have one thing in common. They each come from a source. Reality happened and a fact is produced.

How and if that is reported is not relevant to the actual fact that happened.

But, this is not cornflakes or emotion tamper. You all are just too young, and this it how they get us. It is very real, as I have been saying. But, it is not boots and drones real, it is Space Bombs real.

Ukranine dis-armed it's MAD. We said, we MAD for yo, bro. And we are very serious. And China is in on this.

On Dec. 5, Mr. Yanukovych and President Xi Jinping signed a bilateral treaty officially pronouncing that China and Ukraine are now “strategic partners.”

SEE ALSO: Putin and the patsy: Russia unchallenged in move to rein in former satellites

“China pledges unconditionally not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against the nuclear-free Ukraine and China further pledges to provide Ukraine nuclear security guarantee when Ukraine encounters an invasion involving nuclear weapons or Ukraine is under threat of a nuclear invasion,” said a joint statement on the pact.
