Critical Jack and a Random


I have been unable to grow for the past 3months, so I return with a great hunger to see how my babies ripen.

What I have going is Delicious seeds Critical Jack Herrer, and an unknown #2, which I made a lame attempt of flowering a few months back.

Unknown #2 did harvest small buds, but I could see the potential in her. Her clusters are dense and form in a way which excites me. I would say her bag appeal is good.

They all started off poorly in Veg 2weeks ago, with light yellow new growth, working its way down the plant. I hit them with nute, to burning point, bad call.
I then lowered the e.c alot and hit them with a Nitrogen booster. It took a while but I have them back on track. 3days into flower and the N problem seems not so long ago, so I am still feeding the about 1/4 strength N. During this time, I noticed no growth, nula, zilch, nothing. Very frustrating time.

Now this has been sorted, I am noticing a blast of growth from my bigger Critical Jack especially. I moved the dwarf CJ in only a few days ago, from fluorescent to HPS I think it shocks them for a bit. Could also be a bit of nute burn, as I keep the veg low.

Grow cab, 5'x5'x1.5' small
400w HPS cool tube,
120ish CFM exhaust
4" inline intake
2 fans each end blowing the tops and moving the direct heat from lamp.
RDWC, 2 seperate systems holding around 8Gal each.

ROCK A&B with EC 0.6 for unknown, and EC 0.75 for Critical Jack's.

Anyhow, I will save the detail, and I will attempt clearer photos for next time, though not much is going on yet.
Pull up a chair and enjoy



Nice start, good luck. I am at week 4 on a Dinafem Critical Jack and so far, so good; looks like a good strain.
Thanks for the replies ppl.

Day 12 Flower
The CJ is looking more healthier by the day, and is growing fast. I haven't quite got the random happy. Its quite yellow, and i keep wanting to give her a N boost, but don't know if its what she wants. Am I too far into Flower to give it a 1/2 strength hit of N.

Just had a look at your pics,the yellowing looks like magnesium problem to me try adding some epsom salt in with your feed.
white spots cal def
yellowing inbetween leaf veins mag def
hope this helps.
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Small update of my progress. 1 plant in a 1.2x1.2 tent, start of week 6 roughly. Temps have been really high, mid 30s C / 95F, but they are still doing good.


Active Member
Looking great.

I had a crit jack but my grow was destroyed so now i'm crying and jealous of your grow :(