Critical Jack heading into flowering!


Well-Known Member

the last two pics w/ the t5 on its side is how i left it last nite. im gonna keep it like that unless anyone has any objection and thinks i could make better use of the t5???

i decided to put it like that so the 150w hps could sit dead center over the plant w/ a 6inch clip on fan (bought from htg) to keep the bulb cool. the t5 is on the side and ill rotate the plant 1/4 turn everyday to ensure the entire bottom stays well lit (since 150w hps has much less penetration compared to say a 600w hps)

the 2 most bottom fan leaves are dying...not yellowing in the traditional sense. odd. they are crispy all the way through and kind of a yellow-green color.



New Member
You'll be good with the lights like that given the fact that you rotate them bro.
I've got T5 and HPS combo too. I rotate my plants everyday @ 6hrs and move them around like every other day so they share all the light and they're doing good. And I keep everything about 5 inches away from the canopy except for CFLs which are like 2" away max at all times.
Good news is....Your plants are thriving haha...bad news....None :joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot!

im very excited. this is my first time running this setup (a 2ft t5 and a 150w hps together) im still trying to get use to the smaller plants/smaller space/less lumens etc. im use to my 2 600w hps w/ my 4ft 6bulb t5 setup. i miss it!

this is a good substitute i guess given its all i can run at once for the time being.

i feel extremely tempted to pull out my 1 of my 600w hps and flower it w/ that. wish i could.

ill keep you all posted on its progress throughout :)


Well-Known Member
no no temps isnt the problem.

i use to grow somewhere else where i was able to have a bigger grow room (8x10) reduced to a closet sized space and im growing under the radar as far as electricity goes (not by choice lol). and im not in fear of police. its my roommate. smell or noise hasnt been a problem for me (this is my 2nd grow in this space...the first experience was with pineapple express).

so yeah im pushing it as far as i think i can safely go right now (using abot 250w of lights combined...and im not sure how much im using up for those 2 fans) so im guessing im pushing it as far as i can go. breaking out the 600w seems risky in terms of how much the bill will jump if im going 12/12 w/ the 600


New Member
You know you don't start making a real dent in electricity until you get into the 1000s of watts right?! Mine is up maybe $15 and I'm using about 1000w of lights combined


Well-Known Member
You know you don't start making a real dent in electricity until you get into the 1000s of watts right?! Mine is up maybe $15 and I'm using about 1000w of lights combined
where i live you do. it cost $30 a month to run my 600 for 12 hrs per day.

its not that im worried about the cost (i could afford it) its that my roomie already knows of my love for miss mary jane and the bill has stayed consistent the whole time we've lived together...using a bigger setup (more hps watts) means id have to spend more to keep it cool w/ additional fans etc. so that combo will raise it higher plus then i could be battling noise issues or temp issues as well as the bill.

so for now im just keeping it low key. mattering how much i pull of this plant at the end will give me an idea of what i need to do next time. if i can net 4-5oz ill be a happy camper and ill continue to use this setup.

if not...then back to the drawing board i go. ill probably just have to build a legit grow cab (now im using the closet w/o a sealed in cab) and have to introduce co2 to pump those plants up since itll be easier than upping my watts and dealing with extra heat/noise.


Well-Known Member
Heres a quick update.

the plant seems to be doing okay. i noticed the 2 lowest fan leaves on the plant have died :'( rip fan leaves. rip.

other than that...looking pretty good. starting to get a few more pistils here and there. the bottom of the plant has to FAT knots. my pic was taken from the back view (they dont look too big from that angle) ill try to get a pic from the front to really show you guys how big these knots are. from my understanding the knots mean it could be a good candidate to be cloned/kept for future it could be a "winner" lol

first pic is the knots of the bottom..
two, three, four, and five are pics of the 2 dead fan leaves i pulled off. y are they dying this way? wat gives? (the brown parts curled up is what im referring to. usually they just yellow all the way through and die...not brown. ideas?)
and you know what the rest of the pics are lol.


I gotta tell you guys though...Dinafem ROCKS. really. ive grown from many many many breeders but these guys never let me down. ever (so far) ive grown maybe 5-6 strains from them and all turned out much like the breeders description (a rarity these days. usually a breeders description is a like a commercial for weight loss pills...all big promises and high hopes for products that never deliver) but not these guys.

i also have a "diesel" from them i wanna run soon and i think one more dinafem strain...i forget what it is now though.

enjoy the pics.



Well-Known Member
no more dead fan leaves that i saw. everything seemed green and happy. these were pics as the lights came on (notice the hps wasnt at full strength in most of these pics as it was still warming up)


after this i think im gonna grow out my afghan kush x black domina from WOS as i really need an indica. i havent smoked an indica dom in at least 1 year.


New Member
where i live you do. it cost $30 a month to run my 600 for 12 hrs per day.

its not that im worried about the cost (i could afford it) its that my roomie already knows of my love for miss mary jane and the bill has stayed consistent the whole time we've lived together...using a bigger setup (more hps watts) means id have to spend more to keep it cool w/ additional fans etc. so that combo will raise it higher plus then i could be battling noise issues or temp issues as well as the bill.

so for now im just keeping it low key. mattering how much i pull of this plant at the end will give me an idea of what i need to do next time. if i can net 4-5oz ill be a happy camper and ill continue to use this setup.

if not...then back to the drawing board i go. ill probably just have to build a legit grow cab (now im using the closet w/o a sealed in cab) and have to introduce co2 to pump those plants up since itll be easier than upping my watts and dealing with extra heat/noise.
Where you from?!
And yeah my rig is just an intro set up as well! I would say a majority of us start out with something makeshift until we realize we can really get it done!
My set up will grow as I grow haha :joint:


Well-Known Member
Where you from?!
And yeah my rig is just an intro set up as well! I would say a majority of us start out with something makeshift until we realize we can really get it done!
My set up will grow as I grow haha :joint:
ha. i never had a real pro grow room/cab. when i grew w/ 600s i just put them side by side (w/ a few feet between them) and just surrounded the all the plants w/ those tri-fold poster boards that kids normally use for science projects covered in mylar. lol.


Well-Known Member

pics from last night ^^^

Last night i fed her...2 tsp of tiger bloom and 1/4 tsp of grow big per gal (3 gal of water total).

the first pic is a pic of the knot from the front (told you guys it was big)
the 2nd pic is the view from up top when i fed her
and the 3rd pic is the plant back in its artificial growing habitat.

shes sucking down 3 gal of water every 4 days! (note this plant is in a 3 gal pot and i need at least 2 full gal of water to see ANY runoff)


New Member
ooohhh she chunky in all the right places :joint:

-edit & I'm giving about a gallon and a half every third day right now bro.
I get runoff towards the middle of the 3rd 1/2 gallon.(I give a 1/2 gal a time so that it soaks in nicely). So with that said we're giving the same just about.
I've been watering this way since probably week 4 of flowering.
It's obvious by the base of that stem that you've been working well bro!


Well-Known Member
thank you. im honestly impressed i she vegged so well under only a 2ft 4bulb t5. i was literally blown away. when i bought it i thought i made a mistake by not getting a 2ft 6bulb or 8bulb i can clearly see i was wrong. the stem is huge on this plant for what it was vegged under (96 watts total i think) and it was only 7 wks i think.

also. i forgot 2 mention that theres a mutated branch (dont remember if its a cola...might be)...ill try to get a pic of it


New Member
I can't really see it boss, but I would look at it as a bonus.
My Blue Widow, if you look a page or two back in my thread, I F.I.M'd its apical top(at the time)twice and it mutated a litte bit or formed like a cluster of tops in one. I'll get a better pic of it here later but it's def. a bonus man. It's nice an chunky haha.
All of my buds are starting to fill out right now tho. I see it happening right before my eyes and I'm loving it mann :joint:

And I vegged my girl with CFLs man! I ended up adding things along the way thanks to Craigslist and ppl needing money hahha but of all the beasty bushes I've seen around, they all start with nice tight stems :joint:


Well-Known Member

2nd pic is the mutated cola....3rd pic is a side view of the mutated cola look how thick the stem is on it! and notice how many leaves are coming out of it.

more pics coming


Well-Known Member
a few pics i forgot to add on the last update earlier today.

im gonna make sum adjustments (raise up my t5 to cover more of the upper parts of the plant versus the lowest part. im doing that because theres actually a node or two in the upper part that the hps cant penetrate. so im gonna sacrifice some of the lowest nodes to give a boost where more bigger buds will grow.