Critical kush takes forever so I decided to go with the chemdawg strain....

Now for an update she's growing at a steady pace an inch a day and her arms are bigger and stronger by the day. So I sprayed her with some magic green and she's nice and green hopefully at this pace she'll be at my target height in the next 14 to 16 days. And the show will begin. 21 inches and 15 to go. I'll post some pics of her in the next 5 days.
I'm now ready to put her in bloom and I was wondering first let me give a brief update she's now 32 inches tall I was hoping she would get 36 to 40 inches before ready to bloom hopefully she'll get a little taller but back to the main question I just ordered some snow storm ultra and blossom blaster by grotek and I was wondering if i should go half strength on nutes when using these two products? I was going to use snow storm as a foliar feed so I was wondering does it matter or should I go lite on nutes? Thanks for any advice in advance....