Critical Mass and PowerKush grow


Thought best get a shift on and get this baby going...

got Mr Nice Cricital Mass 18 seeds regular and 3 Dinafem power kush..

me lights..veg is 250W MH in a cupboard with 100m extraction and wee fan in there to move the air around...

flower room is 400w lumatek dual spectrum bulb...and massive fan in there also a 100m ruck fan for extraction.

the soil.. not being near a grow shop and stuck... not really happy with my current compost but it will have to do... so its jacks magic compost by westlands or B&Q multipurpose... would love to get some more BAC lava soil but hear lots of peeps can grow quite well with the B&Q stuff...

me nutes... GH flora series micro and bloom... have some old timer organic nutes but they send the ph way way down to around the 4.2 mark..... just scares me LOL... other things in me arsenal are liquid silcon, canna rhizotonic..canna enzyme and in case those borg feckers come a calling so Harkers Harka Mectin... only used it the once... works a treat :hump:

Also have some seedlings on the go..bit dubious about the pedigree as I left two males in me flower cab... was observing them cus never seen male plants before... needless to say LESSON LEARNT LMAO ... so those seedlings will do as experiments and also for me to get a handle on the gh nutes using the lucas formula in soil..

All welcome to pull up a chair especially any GH Flora series soil growing members.. oh also got some VAM tis a product called rootgrow... will be using it at the pot up stages... tis important to avoid tap water during the initial stages and the chloramine (sic) will wipe em out before they even get going...

will post pics later.. need to score some batteries. :joint:


pics as promised of me veg cab.. could do with a lick of paint in there but why do today what you can put off till tomoz and all that...

right at the back is a sensi skunk.. no sure yet if its a boy or a girl.. will show soon enough and in front of that plant is a cutting of Artic sun that I took in flower donkeys ago and she still wants to live... then its my dubious seedlings.... have selected a couple for experiments and the last 2 pics are of one of the healthiest runts who was given a full hydroponic does of flora micro and bloom for the seedling stage.. that should be enough to show me and maybe a few others what overfeeding looks like.

in the plastic carte-d'or ice cream tubs are 6 of my critical mass seeds.. these are my main focus.. with limited space in my flower room I need a good reliable yielder... am in two minds on what size final pots... can do 6 X 11 litres pots or 3 X 25 litre pots but plenty of time to sort that out...

sooooooooooooooooooo welcome to me veg cab... got some scrawny powerplants in me flower cab and another sensi skunk which as it happens doesnt look that bad but smokewise I never rated it....



Am sorry peeps but due to security concerns I felt I had to burn the fucking lot.. so no grow here for at least a few months..... ffs probbo being over para but..