The Box
I have been using a vintage toy chest as a night stand and have recently turned it into a "growing" box. The box is about 3' tall and about 18" square. I am running a 32wat energy saving light bulb I salvaged from an old lamp. The walls are covered with aluminum foil and i have about 50 odd holes drilled in the back about a quarter inch in diameter.
My objective is successfully grow and harvest one plant regardless of quality. While doing so undetected to other residences of my home before investing in fancy gizmos and gadgets to grow quality marijuana.(low budget as possible)
I have about 10 seeds(random seeds picked up from bags of reggies) germinating on the top shelf of a dark closet and plan to plant all of them fearing I will kill everything. I managed to score some organic potting soil made for growing tomatoes and plan to use, say a 3 gallon bin to grow out of. I do have on hand just some plane old miracle grow laying around i plan to use unless referred to do otherwise. I was also just going to use tap water. As far as air circulation goes I can't think of anything other than the holes i drilled that wouldn't set off any suspicion. I do very frequently run a box fan next to the box as it helps me sleep, but if it were to also help with my plant I would leave it running more frequently.
Plan of action
After my seeds are done germinating ,[(cracking)cracken]<lol, I plan to plant all that do in the same bin. After a while or so i will remove the weak and leave the strong until eventually left with two. If i manage to keep them alive long enough to were their stems look strong enough to hold buds I'll switch the light on them and wait to see flowers or balls. If they are both male i will repeat, one female-lose the male, or two females take the larger one. If I do get this far and end up with one strong female the plan is to nurture it until harvest time.
I am fairly computer savvy and have been doing some research and am confident i have the main jest of it. BUT, I do know there is a lot more to it. My largest concern is the size of the plant. I didn't know the consensus on trimming lighting, or pot size to determine size or if those ways are even effective or practical.
Please let me know if i'm missing something big or how flawed my plans are or even little pointers that apply to experiment. Thank you very much.
Please let me know if i'm missing something big or how flawed my plans are or even little pointers that apply to experiment. Thank you very much.

If my attempt succedes and i grow and harvest one cannibis plant in a reasonable about of time with minimal failed attempts my goal therefore is buy a nicer strand and sustane one female mother and play around with growing clones on the side until i have a nice system that works god to much typing cigarette smoke in my eye....