I have crohns.

It's okay though because I haven't had any flare ups in years. Ever since I changed my diet - Nothing. I used to eat lots of junk, lots of processed foods etc. If it wasn't good for you - I ate it. I switched my diet to a 80% "Chunky" diet (its like a smoothie but chunky

) The ingredient list is short and I've used the same ones for three years now. Daily - 12 servings Brown rice, 4 serv black beans, 5 raw eggs (I find I can eat 5 a day without a problem, I don't suggest you eat raw eggs btw lol that is my personal choice) 4-5 serv slow cook oat meal, 2-3 bananas (plantains when available) This comprises roughly 80% of my caloric intake. I add sweet potato and olive oil at times and supplement with whey if needed. Usually, between the chunky and my dinner (chicken, fish; lean meats) I don't need to supplement protein. Not sure if it is a result of my pre digestion - chunky, the ingredients or both. Maybe it is a result of exercise in conjunction with all of that.We all know by now that properly changing diet and regular exercise is a benny. I do know that as a teenager I would be doubled over in pain pretty regularly due to crohns and have been hospitalized at times. The pain was insane and I argue with my gf to this day that what I went through was worse then her cramps lol. I take that back, woman have it bad with the period, pregnancy gender equality and all. Lots of love for woman

My grandfather also died due to complications with crohns. Fucking sucks because he was a mountain man and I was dying to meet him (never did). He actually helped in a famous search in rescue at one time, can't name it because his name is my name lol, I'm a third. Hope all is well, sorry for the long post wicked stoned.