Cross post - Magic Butter Machine and curing


Active Member

this is a cross post from the harvest and curing sub.

bought a MagicButter Machine and I was curious if I have to cure the buds before making edibles? It sounds like a good hang dry and decarb is enough. Thoughts?

Also, anyone decarbing with a sous vide? Magic Butter Machine claims you don’t have to break up the buds, but I believe decarbing with a sous vide may require the buds to be ground up and vacuum sealed, to increase surface area.


Try an Ardent Nova to decarb your buds before using your MBM.

Just dumb the buds in th. MBM whole, the blade will pulverize them into powder.

You've got a great machine, I gave one to my brother for Christmas and he loves it.

The ardent nova looks pretty nice. If the sous vide becomes too much of a hassle, I may invest.

However, I already own a sous vide. If I can, I prefer to save a couple hundred bucks. I guess my question is can I put ground up decarbed weed into the MBM? I have to grind for the sous vide decarb...
Awesome. I am really compelled to bite the bullet on that Ardent Nova... I'll update this thread with sous vide results with the MBM, just in case anyone ever has the same question/thought in the future.

The Nova is expensive for what it does, when compared to the MBM, but there's nothing else that does quite what it does.

I've got one and I'm buying one for my brother for Christmas.

When there is a lot of "cristal" on the leaf it is nécessary to make a complet curring ? Only triclomes ? For exemple thé "lemon O.G." can have leaf i think but not thé "Black domina". I got purple and more L.O.G. to start.
Curing isn’t really as important with edible product as during the decarb stage, most of the terpenes that the curing process is meant to preserve, are evaporated/destroyed anyhow.
Also, count me as one more happy user of my Ardent Nova for decarb purposes. I was also conflicted on whether to spend the $, but holy hell, it’s so so much better than any other method, atleast of what I have experience with. Best of luck friend!
Yep I used the ardent last night. I put ground up decarbed weed in little capsules because I’m lazy and not fond of the taste of edibles. Seems to work out ok...