Crossbreed question.


Active Member
hey all, well. im growing some cannabis outdoors, not too far from home. its all goin good, jus started showing sexes. all 3 are female. awesome. buuuutttt, where i live. there has to be at least 4 or 5 industrial hemp fields. the closest one being about a mile away. its a huge feild. used to be a wheat feild... do you think im going to be growing some buds full of useless seeds and even more so useless bud? will the hemp pollinate mah babehs?


Active Member
yeah like its industrial hemp, for fibers n paper... if it gets seeded those seed r worthless.. but stilll got a bunch of good seeds. would a greenhouse work at all?


Active Member
its in canada, and also, my plants are barely showing pistils and the forecast is saying the first frost is in about 3 weeks??? am i completely screwed this year?