Crossbreeeding an autoflowering strain! 9Any Help Appreciated


Here is the issue, Found a great Autoflowering strain that I would like to use, What I dont want to do is have to spend hundreds of dollars on seeds every 2 months,
What exactly would happen if I grew a male plant of a non autoflowering strain, Lets just say some White Widow style (something that has the same characteristics, Tight buds one good sized cola) and pollinated the female autoflowering plant.... Would I end up with viable seeds that would autoflower? or would the male plant not being autoflowering cause the seeds to be the same way! THE STRAIN IN QUSTION DOES NOT HAVE THE OPTION FOR REGULAR SEEDS! ONLY FEM avaialable!
Any help is appreciated


the uk greek

Active Member
Your best bet in the short term is to buy some regular autoflowering seeds and hope you get a good looking male to collect pollen from.