Crossed strains 400W HPS 2 person cabinet grow


Well-Known Member
Looking great just stopping by for an update how are u makin that co2 I thought bout going the yeast sugar route but wasn't sure how effective it was would u say that you notice a huge difference
The CO2 is being made by a yeast, sugar, water mixture. Couldnt tell you if it makes a dif, I dont think theres really been a side by side comparison with and without CO2 mixtures. Either way its a fun little addon.
Here a tutorial:

Edit: our new seeds arrived today. Took a little long but they all got here.


Well-Known Member
The CO2 is being made by a yeast, sugar, water mixture. Couldnt tell you if it makes a dif, I dont think theres really been a side by side comparison with and without CO2 mixtures. Either way its a fun little addon.
Here a tutorial:
Oh boy just wait and see how much of a difference even DIY co2 will be....

Edit: our new seeds arrived today. Took a little long but they all got here.
Oh boy just wait and see how much of a difference even DIY co2 will be....


Well-Known Member
Yes go to my profile and look up my last grow the ice grow and see the growth spurt from adding co2 check out the leaf structure and the stretch as well as the stem thickness ive never had any plant take off as these did ...


Well-Known Member
check this link from my last grow as you will see i started my journal when my babies were 2 1/2 weeks and doing fairly well but nothing special the first picks are from the 26th of july and then i introduced my co2 DIY to the box on the 28th of july it was one gatorade bottle worth to start by the 4th of august the plants had just begun to go crazy..Now one thing i must say is that i did infact leave my co2 going at all times 24 hours over the 8 days only becouse i htought that being DIY co2 and not the real deal it would not work as well how wrong i was..this is all the evidence you'll need stalk was the size of standard rebar my fan leaves swelled to the size of my hands and the plant just took off out of control, i removed the co2 before flowering but to no avail they just kept growing and strecthing...

Nirvana " Ice " 400 Watt Hps Grow!!


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the link. Dont take this the wrong way but its hard to really call any results without a side by side comparison with and without CO2. Your plants might have just been in the phase where they really get going with growth. Especially if you stopped usign CO2 and they kept growing at the same pace. Ill take a closer look at your grow later on though.
Of course I wouldnt find it odd at all if CO2 did make a big difference, thats why I have some going in my grow atm as well.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks for the link. Dont take this the wrong way but its hard to really call any results without a side by side comparison with and without CO2. Your plants might have just been in the phase where they really get going with growth. Especially if you stopped usign CO2 and they kept growing at the same pace. Ill take a closer look at your grow later on though.
Of course I wouldnt find it odd at all if CO2 did make a big difference, thats why I have some going in my grow atm as well.
Well all i can really say is you must try it for yourself ,this is my 6th grow and i kind of feel as though i have a handle on it to a point and not to beat a dead horse but ive seen abnormal rapid growth and then ive seen this, the co2 influence im no pro yet im no fool either the growth was utterly rediculous,but like i said i did leave the co2 going none stop for the entire 8 to 10 days oops..peace


Well-Known Member
Im not sure and thats my point when people use real co2 set ups im sure thats when it should be regulated with on off periods to be sure not to over do it, my logic was since im using a DIY set up i wont have a great deal of co2 intoducing itself into the grow room. Well i used a whole pack of yeast with 3/4 cup of sugar in a fat gatorade bottle and let my circulation fan blow it around the area..Now ive seen on some of the DIY threads here and on the tube that most not all but most even though using homemade co2 still give it time off at least during lights off period..But as i say im still learning as well and i dont profess to be an expert on the matte,r just trying to be informative by way of my experience to someone who questions the validity of co2 use thats all....Peace


Well-Known Member
I dont think leaving the co2 on all day hurts the plants at all. Its more that you turn it off during dark period to save money if you are using a real setup. If it were 100% legal and I had the space then I would love to do side by side experiments for things such as homemade co2.


Well-Known Member
I dont think leaving the co2 on all day hurts the plants at all. Its more that you turn it off during dark period to save money if you are using a real setup. If it were 100% legal and I had the space then I would love to do side by side experiments for things such as homemade co2.
Very true i'd like to see it as well..Peace


Well-Known Member
later today im going to be makin a diy c02 and run it with my veg and flower to see the results you can go to my thread later and i shuld have it done


Well-Known Member
stinkbudd check out my grow in my sig id love to have you there
Hey thanks for the invite and im there bro, i wish you could do a side by side wone with co2 and one without useing the same strains if i had'nt broke down my previous box i would have done it myself..


Well-Known Member
This CO2 experiment needs to be done. I could build 2 shoebox sized grows with a cfl, one with co2 and one without. Can any of you think of another fast growing (if possible small) plant to test on? This would be in a location where cannabis isnt really an option


Well-Known Member
ill do one guys in my grow i can use co2 in one box constantly and not in another give me a bit tho gotta paint a cab and add a light