crossing easy ryder w/ diesel ryder...HELP?

Hello everyone. I am kinda confused and can use some input. I've already tried searching and found very little on this subject. Well anyways, I am very interested in easy ryders as my grow space is small and this strain seems perfect for my needs. I decided that I don't want to keep having to buy female easy ryder seeds so I came up with my decision to wanna cross it with diesel ryder. I know that crossing 2 easy ryders will create an F2 plant which won't be as good as a F1 so I want to cross easy ryder with diesel ryder. Do you guys recommend that I cross a full male diesel ryder with a feminized easy ryder which will yield me both male and female seeds or is it fairly easy to stess a female diesel ryder so that is hermiates and use the hermaphrodite pollen to fertilize my easy ryders. I know that this will create feminized seeds which is a good thing but I don't want to end up with unstable seeds that will come out to be hermaphrodites by nature. I would prefer to have a feminized cross of easy ryder x diesel ryder but if theres going to be a high chance of retarded seeds then I'd rather just cross a full male diesel with an easy ryder.

What do you guys think? is this something easily done and pretty straight forward or what. I've never dealt with breeding and so I'm new to this whole thing. I just dont wanna have to constantly buy fem seeds. I'd rather just make my own. Plus I don't have a great deal of space so I'd rather not waist any growing male plants just to end up chopping them.

I dont know if I confused anyone but in simple terms. should I use a male diesel ryder to pollinate my fem easy ryder or use a hermie diesel ryder to do so. what are the negative and positive outcomes of both, if any?

thanks everyone


Active Member
Hello everyone. I am kinda confused and can use some input. I've already tried searching and found very little on this subject. Well anyways, I am very interested in easy ryders as my grow space is small and this strain seems perfect for my needs. I decided that I don't want to keep having to buy female easy ryder seeds so I came up with my decision to wanna cross it with diesel ryder. I know that crossing 2 easy ryders will create an F2 plant which won't be as good as a F1 so I want to cross easy ryder with diesel ryder. Do you guys recommend that I cross a full male diesel ryder with a feminized easy ryder which will yield me both male and female seeds or is it fairly easy to stess a female diesel ryder so that is hermiates and use the hermaphrodite pollen to fertilize my easy ryders. I know that this will create feminized seeds which is a good thing but I don't want to end up with unstable seeds that will come out to be hermaphrodites by nature. I would prefer to have a feminized cross of easy ryder x diesel ryder but if theres going to be a high chance of retarded seeds then I'd rather just cross a full male diesel with an easy ryder.

What do you guys think? is this something easily done and pretty straight forward or what. I've never dealt with breeding and so I'm new to this whole thing. I just dont wanna have to constantly buy fem seeds. I'd rather just make my own. Plus I don't have a great deal of space so I'd rather not waist any growing male plants just to end up chopping them.

I dont know if I confused anyone but in simple terms. should I use a male diesel ryder to pollinate my fem easy ryder or use a hermie diesel ryder to do so. what are the negative and positive outcomes of both, if any?

thanks everyone
I would make male and female seeds, why take the chance of making hemies, and as the males pop up i would take them out and plant something new, you could have a perpetual harvest of auto flowering plants:joint:
go with the fems, take pollen from one and put it on the other, then take the seeds you get, plant 10 of them(the more the better, so if you have room plant more), Now at this point your gonna wanna pay attention to these ladies, they are gonna have diffrent charictaristics, find the one you like and toss the rest (your gonna wanna make up your mind after they start to autoflower to make sure it kept that trait) now after that girl is starting to flower, do the same thing again with 10 more seeds from the same batch you started with, find one thats similar to the one your first plant you picked. ok now i'm sure I confused you but now your gonna let the first plant go passed harvest for pollen (best way to get pollen and less chance of mutant seeds), once you have that pollen then dust your 2'nd plant with it. Most of your seeds from this plant with be like the parents, you can keep repeating this step until its stable, and all the seeds come out the same. get it? let me know if you don't
you can lock in height, vigor, smells, colors, anything you want, but just so you know it can take a hell of a lot of time. with the deisle and easy, i would say you would look for the scent of the deisle and the yeild of the easy, just remember to play close attention to them when your picking the parents
thanks autolemonhead, I'll give it a try but will just do one generation of plants, dont have time to keep doin it over and over again to have more plants with the desirable traits. :blsmoke: