crossing fingers for 1st "cfl grow"


Well-Known Member
well, decided to take a few pics seeing as i can't sleep. 1st is a couple of close ups, well i tried a group shot & lastly, BIG MAMMA ! she was the shortest when i began 12/12 4 weeks ago, 8 1/2"s , now shes the biggest of all...over 30" s ! 2morrow i gotta take out my shelf to get another foot+. hope it'll be enuff.



Well-Known Member
well i just got finished taking that shelf out so now i have another foot+. 2morrow i thinking of pruning back some of those larger fan leaves & getting rid of some of that bottom growth. will take pics then...PEACE


Well-Known Member
i'm still here, still growing...a lil news....this just in...plants have seemed to respond to the correction of the light leak...unfortunately, photos taken earlier were some how lost...will take more 2morrow...peace


Well-Known Member
in an attempt to fatten things up a bit i decided to start with the malasses....hope it was the right didn't say anything about (black strap) though.//will take flicks in a few days if any changes occur....peace


Well-Known Member
ok peeps, just a lil sumtin b4 i lay it down for the night....heres a few shots....1st is a group shot..there is actually 4 plants in there, 1 is hiding behind that monster on the might be gone 2morrow cuz i think it a male...gonna give it 1 more day to make sure...

the other 2 are of the 1 in the middle, it was the 1 that had flowered the most but stopped & now its doing fine again after fixing the leak...the 2 on the ends are female buti believe the went back to veg & are now coming around also, sprouting new hairs & all just not as well as the other burns me up thinking of how i lost 5, count them, 5 precious weeks of flowering due to the light getting in...PEOPLE, LIGHT PROOF YOUR HOOK UPS !!!!!!!...a lesson well learned by me !



Well-Known Member
damn my bad, that was know what it is...puff, puff...what, no 1 to pass it to ?...puff, puff, puff....CooOOUUUGGGHHHHH !!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey doc thanx for the far as thier hight, the beast is 37 inches,(just over 3 feet tall) & out growing my box again !...gonna have to set something up outside the box to finish her off...the other 2 are 31 & 32 inches & i might be able to finish them off where the are.