Crucial Grow Criteria For Beginner

Ram Baba

Active Member
i have 5 paper cups going of pure power plant fem's

I have a grow tent that fits exactly half my closet.
i just brought a 600w HID HPS MH DIgital Ballast and bat wing reflector.

My area is approx 3'x2"x 5'5"
i think 400 would have sufficed but the hydro shop guy said i could do 600watter.
now I need to buy a 6" exhaust fan.

The Delima:
i have read/heard alot that people say don't grow in your parents' home.
i am going to be breaking this rule after the seedlings sprout and growth begins.

Do you guys think this is safe?
i can pull it off, but i don't want to be wreckless either. please advise :joint:


Well-Known Member
Grow on bra! But ya parents crib? as long as you keep to yaself don't brag to noone i grew in my moms cirb when i was 14 and she found out but all she wanted was a cut she didn't even tell me to get rid of em cause my moms bout money just like me. She actually texted me in class and said i know wat u doin and you know wat you gotta do (aka give her a cut).

You just like my lil bro he 15 now and i'm passin da growing torch onto him. He lives wit my mom and I'm giving him a carnival to start wit.

If you can pull it off and not have to worry, do you i dont know where u live but if you got many mj grow houses (like where i stay at) out da ass u should be even mo careful wit wat you do bra. don't order offline and ship to ya house. you buy seeds send em to ya bra house.

Da last thing you want is to get ya pples tore off. Slip em like 2 hundred every harvest as like rent for growing. The only thing i can advise is to be quiet about it don't go major in ya pples crib. a 600w ya parents might start questioning da bill maybe not to you but will question. Try to cut back on extra elect to balance out da 600w like turning off da cpu and unpluggin stuff you aint usin at da moment.


Well-Known Member
Your parents will find out about your grow, might as well talk to them now, pretty hard to disguise the smell after a while. Hopefully you got kewl rents.

Ram Baba

Active Member
how can i counter the smell....

i don't have "kewl" rents...
they caught me few years ago but that was at the old house and i had fluro on 24/7 - was massive light leekage (noob mistake) and they weren't too happy about the idea.

i mean, i dunno, is there anything i can get to neutralize odor?
im on a tight budget b.c. i already spent so much. + seedlings have begun to germ and will sprout.


Active Member
in your parents crib??....isnt necissarily your best option, you need to know if they will want a "cut" of it or "cut" off our balls....


Active Member
i have had people within 5 feet of my grow room and they have no idea...there is always a chance, but gotta be prepared for the worst!


Well-Known Member
you said you gettin an exhaust fan right? so get a cheap carbon filer or an odor soak. Sum neutralizing agent can work too fo a while.

I'm growin dat same strain but only two of em. I see you real serious so i'm goin to help you as much as i can as i have past exp wit dis situation. Are ya clothes in the same room? Oh n a filter will run like 50 bucks?


Well-Known Member
yea you need to be prepared if ya pples come in ya room and run through ya stuff. I dont think dey will call 5-0 but they might make u get rid of everything Maybe dey will let it go like my moms did. get a cheap lock for your closet is best bra. Try walmart and get a deadbolt.
Do ya pples go through ya stuff?


Active Member
i have a lock on my closet door, and locks on my zippers for my box...if they arent that nosy, you can maybe get away with it....but there is always a risk somehow when you live with other people....

Ram Baba

Active Member
hmmm, thanks for the input,
yeah well they wont call the 5-0 obvi they would destroy it, but its not my main room. its like a guest room that is my meditation room and i have a bathroom b/w that room and the room where i hang and rents come into. so im thinking of getting a lock for the closet that is discreet and locking up the zippers to the grow tent isn't a bad idea at all

all i need to really have is odor control and discreet lock
anyone know of a discreet lock?
like can i put the dead bolt at the top or is there like some locking code thingy... lol....


Well-Known Member
check out da walmart or lowe's neone there will help u wit dis just say you need a closet lock. You could actually take ya old knob off and buy a one that has a keyhole on it. I think dats da best way in my opinion.