

Active Member
so far ive ended up with blonde wax, gooey hard to manage "shatter" and actual hard break into a million pieces shatter. but how do i get crumble?


Well-Known Member
i would assume the dried out wax, and vacuum purge it longer, if you have gotten wax then just let it keep going and it will turn to that feta cheese crumble


Active Member
I wanna make the shit in ur pic bro! that's crumble sorry for the lack of pics. ill take a pic in a bit to show you what ive came out with so far


Active Member
I've found that if it starts to wax up just maintain the temp you have & leave under vac for long is up to you but crumble as you call it, I call it honeycomb, is just wax that's been a bit more vac-ed... starts to look like a moon rock or asteroid after awhile & I believe this is what you are trying to make(as we all are)...I've never got it to look exactly like twitches avi but close:



Active Member
Yeah it's weird like one half waxed up better than the other... It's like a honeycomb-shatter if there is such a thing. I bet if I kept it under heat & pressure for a bit longer it would be more like that elusive crumble texture all you pros are making...I love the consistency though; it's soft & dry so it's easy to pull a nice dab...tastes delicious! Blue dream makes pretty awesome wax..I gotta grow this strain!


Well-Known Member
well mad to be honest it was the starting material I do the same process I do for all trim, that's what the plant gave me.


Well-Known Member
ummm all my stuff is from trim
<----- that pic in the avatar is trim

its how you process it and take care of the trim....

buds are better but i have a pic on here some where and you cant tell the difference between my bud runs and my trim runs...

stuff on the left in from nug all the rest is trim
all my romulan strain