Cryptocurrency — the darkest money

“the unrealistic green agenda”
anyone else smell petroleum? I would not be surprised if the oil companies are throwing weight behind the movement to keep bitcoin as unregulated and opaque as possible. It’s pirate-ship porn for neoliberals and an absolute repudiation of sound science and government.

Ordinary citizens are constantly monitored by corporations and the DOJ can retrieve that information pretty much at will it seems. I was informed by Google that my information was given to the FBI in 2021. BTW, PSA - since I'm not a pedophile or gun runner there is only 1 interest of mine that they could be interested in. Watch your step.

IRS modernization is great at tracking the income of ordinary citizens. But when it comes to really big money the tracking stops. I'm suspect of any politician against anti-laundering measures that scares ordinary citizens into thinking this will suddenly open them up to gov't intrusion. We have already reached extraordinary intrusion into our finances, and more frequently now, our health and medicine. CBD will open up money-launderers to prosecution, to criminals that steal the wealth of entire countries. CBD might have the potential to redistribute that stolen wealth IMO but I'm no expert on this issue.