no the effects are more like adderal on methi have never tried meth but is its effects anything like adderal?
dare I say the 8 months of use was a nice improvement?Im sure all these people thought they could just try it and it not get them either.
Jesus fuckin christ this guy is like this sites messiah. Makes one thread and in less than a day it has 11 pages.
maybe if it was legal, these junkies could go to clinics for help and quit stealing? treat it like the illness it is instead of locking folks up for 10 years because of residue in a plastic baggie.meth is nasty shit. im glad they have stiff laws against it. the shit will kill you if you get a bad dose. and yes i have the movie spun, i own it. its bad ass. its a great movie. i bought it at best buy years ago. i suggest u all look it up. anyways ive tried the shit back in day when it wasn't made from drano and nasty crap like nowdays. we just got lit n would play guitar nonstop all night. i would spend hours tuning it to perfect pitch. i never staid up more then a day on it but i know a guy that sold the stuff and made it and he stade up for a fucking month straight. he also stabbed himself below the eye cuz he was so fucked up. i know another guy that thought the cops were after him so he ate 2 fucking 8 balls. he locked him self in the bath room for 3 days straight with out eating or comming out.
its some seriously nasty stuff to be around. the fumes from a lab will make u sick as fuck even years after the lab is gone. i read a story in our local newspaper of a couple that moved into an old lab in this house and they found a box of foil upstairs n when they threw it away it exploded in the trash while burning!. they all got sick as fuck and they found it it was from meth. they all went to the doc to check for cancer and other shit.
nasty nasty stuff. i have nothing to do with it at all and never will and i have deep respect for the teams that have to clean that shit up after a raid or a fire.
deffently watch the movie spun it rocks. and try bongwater too. its got jack black from school of rock in it. n that guy from old school. its a kick ass movie.
I'm with you. You couldn't even pay me to try that stuff---not any amount of money would glad the worst drug i have ever done is a little powderd coke in the raw. fuck meth.
maybe if it was legal? are you making this crap and using it? i would hope if you spent 10 years for residue in a bag you would stop using the shit and if you knew before hand that this is the laws against it then why start it in the first place. like another guy said you can get a buzz off a good cup of coffee nowdaysmaybe if it was legal, these junkies could go to clinics for help and quit stealing? treat it like the illness it is instead of locking folks up for 10 years because of residue in a plastic baggie.
Yes indeed. =Dmaybe if it was legal, these junkies could go to clinics for help and quit stealing? treat it like the illness it is instead of locking folks up for 10 years because of residue in a plastic baggie.