Crystal White Kush DWC


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm kinda aware of all that, it's not my first rodeo, but still it's an area im not too confident with...
Got it. Some growers pooh pooh the idea of clear trichs. That's the only reason I brought it up.

The high so far from the early samples, really good quality high, It's my nicest effort, yet IMO, but yes a very clear high, strong but in a good way.
Good to hear.

I guess my rationale is it's mostly 'kush' genetics with a bit of WW in the mix, so I was thinking maybe let it go a bit longer being more indica dominant... but I'm really on the fence...

..I'm really impressed with the smell and the high so far so I think I'm going to chop sonner rather than later, I guess I'm also mentaly biased, as I started out with 3 seedlings, one died, and one started blooming before I flipped to 12/12 and the other one is just gonnna bue cut and composted as its not going to work for my time frames...

..So I've basically got one plant, and assuming it's an Auto that got mixed up in a photo-seed pack, there's nothing even to say it's the same strain I ordered, lol, it could be anything...:mrgreen:

It was a limited run of seeds, So I guess it comes with the territory.

I only grow for myself so I'm not relying on having huge yields per m2 or anything like that.
I'm half tempted to cut them down on friday when I've got some spare time to deal with it.

I will contemplate this after a smoke, lol!
No, that's "trials and tribulations"!

Glad that everything has worked out.

Well done!


Well-Known Member
The reaper cometh...

When the reaper can get off his lazy arse probably sometime over the weekend. ;-)

Strangley I'm getting a bit of purple colour lot of the sugar leafs ... but only very small accentes...


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