Crystalized Thc


Active Member
what do you guys know? from what I hear it hasn't been around from the 70's but its an friends of mine's favorite and he's tried everything just about possible b/w plants and chemicals. He tells me its like trippin on lsd but you don't have lockjaw...and by the time you put the pipe down from the first hit your already completely gone.


Well-Known Member
The ld50 of this stuff is so high in theory you could take massive amounts and hallucinate. It would take a lab beyond the means of just about everyone to get it that pure though.


Active Member
from my friend's experiences in the 70's he remembers taking a hit ...and then walking out of the room 8 hours later and having no idea what happened. Of course you build some tolerance if you try to maintain on it but he said it was better than lsd in his opinion. in terms of purity who knows how pure it was or has to be but he said literally it was 1 hit shit lol. I figured it would require a lab for thisI just wish I could try it


Active Member
As someone who was in the 70's,Chrystal T was the greatest.Very powerful buzz. Lasted a long time. And get only cost dollor a hit.Ahhh


Active Member
"T" was around when I was a youn guy. It was not syn. THC. It was I believe PCP. Maybe mixed with other items. It did make you trip if you snorted or smoked it. I could be wrong, but all the heads around me tried it for a very short time and turned their back on it. I don't think they believed that it was THC, and after a few "trips" had to admit that it did not act like THC at any dosage.

Not here to argue, gut experiences this stuff in the early 80's and it was not... Well... IT was a strong high, but it was a nightmare waiting to happen. I did many hits of "cid" back in the day, and never felt reality being pulled away from me so hard. I spent most of my time keeping myself in check and not enough time kicking back and enjoying.


Active Member
I here you but my friend use to shoot pcp while smoking t so he could tell the difference...when he did that though he almost left (mentally) on a musical note. But they did it again and didnt have a problem. He said by far "t" was his favorite he liked the others but this was his favorite by far.
But he said this was early 70s and since then there hasnt been any around but that doesnt stop people from naming shit what they like.
I'd love to try it cause it sounds great but on a very enjoyable level while the pcp was extremely intense.


The ld50 of this stuff is so high in theory you could take massive amounts and hallucinate. It would take a lab beyond the means of just about everyone to get it that pure though.
pretty sure you would get sick and start vomiting and feeling like shit before you hallucinated


from what i've heard of it, it was THC, but not the one we are all thinking of... my dad told me stories about this stuff from the 70's..... I believe TetraHydra-Chloride is the chemical in question here.... if im wrong, im sure Shepj will correct me:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I am familiar with Cloral Hydrate myself but not tetra-hydra-chloride? I am also familiar with an analog of THC called THC-O-acetate, have never tried or seen it but apparently you can take THC and do a similar synthesis to that of the morphine to heroin.



from what i've heard of it, it was THC, but not the one we are all thinking of... my dad told me stories about this stuff from the 70's..... I believe TetraHydra-Chloride is the chemical in question here.... if im wrong, im sure Shepj will correct me:eyesmoke:
im pretty sure thc

is tetra hydro cannabinol


Active Member
thc is in the plants but this is just thc in a straight shot...just wondering what you guys know about it...i mean whyd it disappear...i believe my friend when he says it was good so what happened the few cookers disappeared? i mean weeds so common but noone been able to reformulate this...30 years is a long time...i mean look at meth it took em10 years bet ween crank and ice but since then theyres been no problem finding new formulas...i guess no motivation for ppl to go for a niche community.


I am familiar with Cloral Hydrate myself but not tetra-hydra-chloride? I am also familiar with an analog of THC called THC-O-acetate, have never tried or seen it but apparently you can take THC and do a similar synthesis to that of the morphine to heroin.


i had to call pops to get that name.... he could be off a bit... he's just an old pothead, not a chemist:bigjoint:


Oracle of Hallucinogens
pretty sure you would get sick and start vomiting and feeling like shit before you hallucinated
Pretty sure you are wrong... THC is a psychedelic, I have tripped from straight (unlaced) bud before.

I am familiar with Cloral Hydrate myself but not tetra-hydra-chloride? I am also familiar with an analog of THC called THC-O-acetate, have never tried or seen it but apparently you can take THC and do a similar synthesis to that of the morphine to heroin.

THC-O-acetate, is THC reacted with acetic anhydride (spot on with the morphine > heroin).

from what i've heard of it, it was THC, but not the one we are all thinking of... my dad told me stories about this stuff from the 70's..... I believe TetraHydra-Chloride is the chemical in question here.... if im wrong, im sure Shepj will correct me:eyesmoke:
Not even the slightest idea, can't find anything to do with THC and chlorides, chlorites, chlorates or perchlorates.. Maybe they reacted THC with something chloride/ite/ate/perchlorate and got an ester of some form of THC (not necessarily delta-9), if so... that is far beyond my chemistry knowledge.


Active Member
I have chemistry class this week and I'll be inquiring some teachers about this chemical and chemical structure without revealing the name...hopefully they don't catch and tell me something like o a chemical like that's easy to synthesize...i'll let you guys know lol c21H30O2


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Don't waste your time having your chem teacher know ur a stoner, post ur question here.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Thank's PlayingwithPEA's, I was gonna say, if your teacher is worth his salt he will be pretty good at naming organic compounds..


Active Member
i'm not asking my teacher it was a sub...but i took 1 look at this guy and I can tell this guy gets high plus i asked him a general question and this guy replies with yea on my time off I try to find new ways to make chemicals ...looks like the stereotypical ex acid freak.. bald in the middle with the long hair all around he just gave off this vibe of being cool but I'm not trying to be stupid about it I'll just ask general questions or an organic chemistry student that's doing this workshop for my class...I try not to be too open with people I don't trust.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I remember something pretty funny from chem.. I walked up to my teacher and was asking him about solvent chemistry and extracting essential oils and he says:

"You're gonna extract some 'essential oils' from some five leaf plants huh?"

my jackassness replied something along the lines of:

"Nope, I already have that method down, butane is cheap"


lil off topic, but it's kinda funny ;-)