Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
Jeff, I understand and tend to agree that private schools and home schooling are "better" when academics are used as the measuring stick. But I may not have been clear causing you to misunderstand my meaning in my prevoius post.nothing arbitrary about it. there are mountains of evidence that show private schools out perform public schools period. but i agree with the sentiment of your statement.
this is where we should be "allowed" to pull OUR PERSONAL income out of the public schools if we choose to send our kids to private school or homeschool. but no, big brother, exactly like the mafia, says if you wanna live here you have to pay my boy saul for your kid....or no kid.....or graduagted matter what, you are paying saul.
hmmm, funny. the FBI calls that exortion.
When I said "arbitrary" I meant the public school proponents could argue there were non academic, "hard to measure" benefits, like "fairness" the good of society etc. that public schools provide.
Again, to me the argument over which type of schooling is best is the wrong argument. The argument I present is you should do what you wish to do, not what another thinks is "best for you".
I think public schools are largely jobs programs for teachers and administrators and alot more learning would take place if the system were different.