CT MMJ Growing Laws

revisit? don't hold your breath. it'll take less time to plan to move to cali. this is just another hand out to pharma.


Only corporate growers, no personal growing in CT. :sad: I posted Section10 from the bill in another thread here, and don't want to spam.

Please keep in mind though that this will be a work in progress. If corporate production and sale doesn't work well, the legislature may well revisit the issue.
Best thing I ever did was back in the early 80's...MOVE out of CT to Maine, man I feel for you guys, I was talking to some old friends that I still socialize with from CT and they are stressing over the bull that the state is creating over the MM law. Well you can always add stress to 1 of your reasons to need MM..."the state caused it". Luck to you guys.
A friend of mine has Tourette's syndrome, he's always saying how it affects him in school, and how he doesn't want to take prescription pills because he doesn't like how they make him feel. He's seen some relief when smoking mj. Is a medicard a possibility for my boy.
CT does suck. I just can't wait to get out. We are trying to figure out wear to move to, but cant decide. We want to be near an ocean, but cali is just wicked expensive to live in. Eh hard decision.
CT does suck when it's coming down to MM Law's , to be honest i was looking forward to be a legit dispensary owner one day , but them gov peep's fuck it all up
YOu need to have 7 Figure Backing.... Meaning, unless you got a million, or someone who is willing to back you with a million, you can forget about it... The 10 Production companies that will be providing the Pharmacies with the medicine are going to have to have their own seperate grow areas, with their own security, and their own workers..... The state is not going to be protecting them in any way shape or form.... The rich will be getting richer in CT.... You will NOT be able to grow your own medicine at all, and it is going to be VERY hard to attain a card in CT.... Just move across the border to RI....

This law is a "corporatist" law. Corporatism is when Big-Government and Big-Corporations get in bed together, and pass Laws backed by government force which are designed to profit the Corporate partners while limiting or eliminating market competition. This system was given it's name 'corporatism' by Mussolini.
The other name of this politico-economic system, better known to Americans, is Fascism. This is the same system Hitler employed. It is designed to limit freedom of choice (Free Market), and allow for greater government control while guaranteeing the market profits to it's partners.
Pressure must be put back on Gov. Malloy and the CT Legislature to amend the CT MMJ law to get this Market Problem corrected. Get the legislature Out-of-the-Way of the Market and allow for caregiver grows, patient grows, etc... And... let the market not the government decide how many growers and dispensaries are required!

-Adam G.

P.O.T. - People Opposing Tyranny