Cubensis Questions

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member

Say you birth your cakes too early, before the mycelium has a chance to fully colonize the jars, you drunk for 24hrs and put the cakes into the fruiting chamber. How long before you should see signs of pinning? Should i try putting them back into the jars and back into the incubation chamber for a few days?

What do you guys think? Any advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
If they weren't fully colonized, make sure they're as airtight as you can get them. Mycellium uses CO2, while mushrooms use Oxygen. Think of this; while it's not scientifically true, Mycellium = Plants Mushrooms = Animals in terms of respiration (Mushrooms are neither plants nor animals, they are a part of their own kingdom; fungi). While mycellium is growing, it needs CO2. While mushrooms are growing, they need O2.

One of the reasons FAE encourages pinning is because FAE introduces fresh oxygen in place of high CO2 levels released by mushrooms.

I hope this not only answers your question, but helps you understand why as well.


Well-Known Member
If the jar stalled and stopped colonizing and its the only one you have or is one of few then what I would do is take a sharp knife (sterile) and cut away the uncolonized rice. The mycel;ium wil grow aver the "wound".
Pinning should occur in 7-10 day depending on the strain.