Culled plant, Reuse soil, or add to yard?


I culled a Jack the Ripper today that was planted 11-28 then transplanted 12-17 into a 10 gallon bag of Roots Organic soil. It looked horrible compared to my other two JTR's and didnt see this plant getting better. Now the question is can I reuse that dirt, or should I just toss it into the garden outside? I hate buying dirt, it requires me walking with that 40 pound bag about a mile. I don't have a car. Though I just hiked 1350 on the Appalachian trail last summer, so carrying a load isnt that bad. Is that soil going to be infected with something weird? Im not sure why this one looked so odd. I planted three JTR's the same day, same everything, just different bags of dirt. They were all side by side under a T5 light, and I rotated them, so they got to switch spots under the light. Same amount of water from the same bucket, same nutes. So what are the chances that this bag of dirt is just bad and needs to be added to the yard?

The first two pics are the plant which currently resides in my garbage can, the second are the good healthy looking ones.



I was worried that whatever was wrong with the plant could have screwed up the soil. I will try planting a few clones in it that I am just cutting to determine sex of the remaining plants. If the clones do fine. Then that will be a good test for the soil not being tainted, I assume. Thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
I reuse my soil all the time, as long as i didnt fuck up the soil somehow.. If my plants stay healthy entire grow, which i never over feed anymore, i use it to transplant into from clones or seedlings.. but i do use flora nova tho and feed it as it needs it


Well-Known Member
Try adding in some worm castings if you plan on reusing that soil. Not only do worm castings have an overall benefit, but they are great when reusing your old soil, even if the plant had already fully flowered.


Active Member
I culled some males in supersoil, dropped seeds in and ran them 12/12 from seed.

They were preeeeeeeeeeetty dank :)