Culring leaves?


I've got some ladies in a 2x4 box at the moment about 6 1/2 weeks old, had a little bit of an overwatering issue earlier that they seemed to recover nicely from

my new question is about the leaves, apparently some of them are curling and twisting...while it's a great design to look at, i'm guessing it's not a good sign :sad:

I'm also going to be turing 4 of the 5 ladies into mother's, so i'm going to be moving them from the box which has a 600W light in it, to a tent with a T5 hood to keep them in veg, can anyone let me know what to expect with such a dramatic change in lighting?

Will the change in wattage even matter if I put the T5's super close to the canopy?

Thanks guys!!! here's some pictures, one of everyone, and one close up of the one that seems to be curling up the most...

IMG_20120712_235505.jpg curling.jpg

no clue

Well-Known Member
Is the one that is twisting closer to your light or further from moving air? Looks like it cold be a heat issue


Well I move the pots around every few days cuz the air circualtion could be better in there, the one in the picture was in the back for a few days where the weaker fan is, I just moved her to the front with the stronger fan though

The room is HOT, no lie, I built it myself and it was the first one i ever built so the structure could be much more efficient...haha

I have a 600W light with two fans going, a weak one in the back to get all of the old air out, I try to keep it closer to the light, and a stronger one in the front that blows over the canopy to keep the girls cool

I could totally see it being a heat issue now that you mention it though, makes sense

i'll try to put another fan in there for now, hopefully when i move them into the tent it will help with the heat since the T5's give off virtually none!!!
I'm still planning on putting a few inlines in there for air circulation tho...

Thanks for the help!!!


Well-Known Member
what do you feed em ? and what soil are they in ?

them leaves do look a bit like mine did when they wher in need of Ca/mg .. dunno ? I repot and later on use a bit of Epsom salt that made my leaves look much more healthy and made my plants grow fast agin ..

with a 600W light what kind of outtake ventilation do you run ?


I feed them BC nutes, they were pretty sad before i fed them and there were some older leaves that were yellow around the edges and had dark green veins...

If were going to go with nutrient deficieny, I'm wondering if it might be a zinc or iron problem now?

My soil is pretty alkaline, I have problems keeping it under 7 which i think is mostly the case with either of these deficiencies


Well-Known Member
Epsom salt .. will also help lower your soil a littel bit (did it with mine so I had to add a bit of Lime)

it is mostly Magnesium sulfat ... can get it in most drug stores and wellness shops ..

beside NPK your weed will also need Ca/Mg

and also all them micros (zink/iron/copper/bor aso) and trace elements of course ..

but Ca/Mg is pretty importent as it help the plant take up and convert its food ..

a table spoon in a cup of boiling water .. let it cool a bit .. then mix it in your water you use to water with .. just once .. maybe do it agin later on if you notice the same problems (can also mix a table spoon in your new soil when you repot)


Well-Known Member
still overwatered. look how swollen the inter-veinal areas are. fix this now. make sure you are draining. looks over-fed too, with dark green foliage, and burnt tips.


still overwatered. look how swollen the inter-veinal areas are. fix this now. make sure you are draining. looks over-fed too, with dark green foliage, and burnt tips.
jeez...I guess i'm not doing too good on this whole "fixing my issue" shit haha

I'm not really sure what i'm doing wrong here tho, there are 5 plants all in 5 gallon buckets, they're all at least 2-3ft tall and i HONESTLY use a little under a gallon of water shared between them every few days...there are 4 one inch drainage holes in each pot, so the water has somewhere to go if there's too much of it...

I was wondering if i was feeding them too much. I normally like to do a Feed , Water, Water , Feed schedule so i changed it to 3 waterings in between, that's kind of when the leaves started to curl, I feel like they look better after a feeding so nutrient deficiency doesn't sound totally out of the question to me

how much do you suggest I water? Would it be a bad idea to cut he nutrient solution in half? Thanks and sorry the newbie issues :oops:.


ya i don't want any mildew...then I really wouldn't know what to do with myself hahaI guess maybe i am just loving them too much, i'll have to start ignoring them for a few days ;-)


Well-Known Member
yea need to learn when to water .. try with one and go a day longer and see if that help her compaird to the others ..

also when you water .. give em a good run .. need to see water comming out the drain holes .. then let it dry out good (my best guess with plants that size in them pots would be 3-4 days inbetween .. tho it also have a lot do to with tempetures aso. if they are high it might be a day before and if they are low or you have high humidity it might be a day later ..

also .. diffrent plants .. even same size might use diffrent ammounts of water ..I have one who I need to water atlest evry seccon day and one who can go 3-4 days .. sam size .. same pots ..

I would also think nutriens def. after reading some more .. might be Bc. you add to littel or dont give it to em often enough ..
I used to go half strenges but evry watering .. maybe evry 5th time I made a small flush/a lot of clean water ..

but I still belive in the Epsom salt will do the trick .. as that will help the plants in ther uptake of nutriens .. even with a PH a littel off ..

as nutriens def. can also be a sign of soil PH is out of order .. if its to high or to low .. it will lock up nutriens .. and then it dont help to add more .. actualy it will hurt more ..

I know this can be confusing .. and I do remember how hard it was to find out the right ammount of it all .. but only way to learn is to try .. realy .. do it a bit diffrent with one of the girls and see .. maybe give one more nutriens and one less water and continue with the other two like normal.. maybe give one of them Epsom salt .. see the diffrent .. learn from it ..


I kind of think I love you mister!!! haha

yes, it's a lot of information, but i'm here to learn. And to tell you the truth, if i can't even water my girls right, I will for sure have issues down the line if i don't take advice from people who OBVIOUSLY know what they are doing...

I really appreciate the help for my newbie-ness, i'm sure my ladies appreciate it too :-P

thanks for being patient with me!!!!