Cultivation Buisness Plan


New Member
Does anyone have a sample buisness plan for cultivation that they would be willing to share? You can find examples for pretty much anything else however medical marijuana is elusive. Cheers


Well-Known Member
The key to success is being the best. I can help you with that if you would like. zero phosphorus, only compost, castings, well water and straw with a application of dilute thrive alive green and alaskan humus tea applied to the leaves liberally when they are young preferably. Basically 95% of whats sold is absolute shit. Get the goods and your golden.


Well-Known Member
My advice is familiarize yourself with how cannabis is currently grown but study agricultural farming for tomatoes etc. You can find plenty of info on that and it will allow you to borrow from ag farmers & implement a more sustainable business model. The problem with pot farmers, master growers etc is they are good at growing weed but for most that's all they've ever grown and risk premium has allowed them to get away with cost structures that won't last as pricing comes down. I see guys spending $200 per plant in soil/fertilizer (outdoor). Totally unsustainable long term.

Consider tomatoes sell for about $1 per pound. Average yield per plant in greenhouses is around 20-30 lbs per plant. People do make a living growing tomatoes though.

Also something to think about: Research into cannabis potency indicates an inverse correlation between soil quality and THC content, that is, poorer soil led to greater THC content.

I also believe there's a lot that can be learned from studying hemp seed farming.