Cultivation/Possession compliance

Here in MO, our current law outlines that once we are approved as cultivators, we are allowed 6 plants in bloom, 6 in veg (above 14 inches) and 6 clones (below 14 inches). The law for possession limits cultivators to 12oz (or "3 months worth") of dried, unprocessed flower or it's equivalent (meaning concentrate; to which the law calls 8g equal to one ounce of flower).

My questions
-- How are current growers dealing with compliance issues involving yield? I understand that one plant alone can harvest more than 12oz, let alone 6, especially when grown in ideal conditions like indoor high pressure aero. Does this pigeon hole us into growing crops built for smaller yield? Are we just freezing excess?
--Are there laws outlined for *undried* material such as hanging/curing or frozen live material? I have only seen language involving *dried, unprocessed flower or it's equivalent*
--Are there laws that define when a concentrate becomes "fully processed" ; ergo, are we allowed to take our *dried* flower in excess of 12oz and revert it to a state of undried/unprocessed equivalent until it's in a consumption-ready state like fully purged shatter or if we are mining for diamonds, when do they become processed material and therefore possession?
--We have to sign stating we are willing to be inspected on our paperwork; is this inspection regularly done, if at all, and does anyone have experience with being told they are not up to code? What are the penalties?

Thank you for your answers, I know it was a lot of questions and sorry if I posted in the wrong sub.
This is great info. Thanks! Chewing on all the rules. So 12 oz dried flower and seems very vague on flower in the earlier drying stages. Did I see somewhere that I am supposed to take my extra harvest to my local dispensary for them to “dispose of”. I’d like to stay legal so if I happen to dry out 15 oz in a harvest, what should I do with the extra legally speaking?
This is great info. Thanks! Chewing on all the rules. So 12 oz dried flower and seems very vague on flower in the earlier drying stages. Did I see somewhere that I am supposed to take my extra harvest to my local dispensary for them to “dispose of”. I’d like to stay legal so if I happen to dry out 15 oz in a harvest, what should I do with the extra legally speaking?
Haha ya, dispensaries are required to take the excess of home-cultivators and dispose of it in an incinerator. Without them being open though, and DHSS giving out licenses, they've put us into a corner of not being able to maintain "full compliance" in the event that we yield too much during harvest/drying.
Ya, the drying/curing not being outlined *anywhere* in the guidelines is what lead me to posting this here. After a long couple back and forths with the DHSS, they finally 'fessed up to me that they didn't write any laws concerning curing/drying, and that left me in loophole-land. I plan to solve most of my compliance issues by freeze-drying a lot of my harvest, and pressing it into live rosin from bubble hash. It cost a lot to invest this way, and the simpler solution would have been to just grow less plants instead of the maximum limit.
Good luck with everything, and glad this thread could be of some help!
Haha ya, dispensaries are required to take the excess of home-cultivators and dispose of it in an incinerator. Without them being open though, and DHSS giving out licenses, they've put us into a corner of not being able to maintain "full compliance" in the event that we yield too much during harvest/drying.
Ya, the drying/curing not being outlined *anywhere* in the guidelines is what lead me to posting this here. After a long couple back and forths with the DHSS, they finally 'fessed up to me that they didn't write any laws concerning curing/drying, and that left me in loophole-land. I plan to solve most of my compliance issues by freeze-drying a lot of my harvest, and pressing it into live rosin from bubble hash. It cost a lot to invest this way, and the simpler solution would have been to just grow less plants instead of the maximum limit.
Good luck with everything, and glad this thread could be of some help!
Oh. My. God. Please tell me how to get a job as a Cannabis Incinerator. I’ve found my calling.
Thanks Custard! Best of luck to you too and hope to start my research on creating concentrate in the most efficient way. Was hoping to get a contraption second hand but just started thinking about it lol.
You are worrying too much, if you are own self grower, scale down if producing too much or just seal up the meds and put away. It's the same ole deal, you start growing extra to sell, it will go south. Look at what happened in OR. The med boys went black market, got caught, couple yrs later, rec is voted in and med limits get restricted. If growing for one or two patients, I'd think you'd almost always be covered. Plus make concentrates if that much extra, save cream for self
And if you think the state has people or time to investigate, lol, you don't know mo very well. Popo in my area say they don't even bother with it anymore. But if you get hung up selling.
A little help from my Missouri people please. I've been a ghost for decades but my wife wants me exorcised, get a medical card. As I am an old fart, I finally gave in but need a bit of direction. I already feel like I'm putting a bullseye on my back, so what is the safest and easiest method? We are uber rural with the nearest dispos 65 miles in either direction. I have no intention of smoking dispo weed as it would surely be a step down comparatively. Thanx...
@Rozgreenburn A medical card - by Federal law - immediately removes your 2nd Amendment right to defend your home. Even if you hate firearms and would never own one for your own personal defense, giving up your rights is not a real hot idea, at least, not in my opinion.

Safe? in Mo?

Jesus, man - having a room with a 5 gallon bucket grow can get you 4 years in prison? Ummmmmm . . . move? I've considered relocating, though I don't know if I would survive moving states. Then I thought, "Different country." Yeah, well, every destiation has it's own type of fucked up, so . . . hmmmm.

I guess I'm back to the same conclusion I drew as a young boy - we're gonna need a rocket ship to get to where I need to go. ELON! BRING ME THE HOLY HAND-GRENADE! Oh, wait - no no - different line.

@Rozgreenburn A medical card - by Federal law - immediately removes your 2nd Amendment right to defend your home. Even if you hate firearms and would never own one for your own personal defense, giving up your rights is not a real hot idea, at least, not in my opinion.

Safe? in Mo?

Jesus, man - having a room with a 5 gallon bucket grow can get you 4 years in prison? Ummmmmm . . . move? I've considered relocating, though I don't know if I would survive moving states. Then I thought, "Different country." Yeah, well, every destiation has it's own type of fucked up, so . . . hmmmm.

I guess I'm back to the same conclusion I drew as a young boy - we're gonna need a rocket ship to get to where I need to go. ELON! BRING ME THE HOLY HAND-GRENADE! Oh, wait - no no - different line.

Thanks for the heads up. So I guess I will remain ghostly. With the state of our world today, I'd be a big asshole to give up my protection. So therefore, to them I say, NI...
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I know 3 people with conceal carry permits that got their cards. It doesn’t automatically kick a flag up. Paranoid fuckers lol.
yea, the cards do not exclude one-another….
each county issues ccw
the state issues the mmcard

they will only ‘care’ when you don’t do what they ’care’ about…