Cure for Cancer


Active Member
hey did you guys know there's a cure for cancer and disease and whatever you can think of, and its made from hemp! this guy Rick Simpson has some videos on youtube that will tell you all about it. this is some crazy shit i can't believe how the government is (and isn't) reacting to it. the poor guy is in jail now, but damn the people really gotta fight back for shit like this.


Well-Known Member
so my grandma has cancer, for some reason the last few months something has been telling me, like SERIOUSLY telling me, that theres something in marijuana that can cure cancer... what rly interested me about this was in my Organic biology class, I learned that the most common G-receptor in our brain that is NATURAL is tetrahydracannibol or thc...... Isnt that BEZZARE that the most common receptor in our brain is one that takes in the chemical, we are all born with these NATURAL receptors and we have more of these than ANY OTHER RECEPTOR IN OUR BRAIN, THERE IS A REASON BEHIND THIS!

As far as smoking it, I think God put it here for a reason, but I honestly think it was put here for MEDICINE to be eaten to treat these diseases that are "uncureable"

im going to make some of this, go to my grandma and just tell her that I love her and that I want her to try it.

Also, what strain would be the best for this cause, something good for pain of course, but any ideas?

And how much green does it take to grow to make a good supply of this stuff, if she likes it I want to have alot of it for her to take.?

How much would be a good doseage to eat without getting high?


Well-Known Member
I love getting high. I enjoy cultivating and smoking cannabis and I think it has a lot of medicinal uses. I am reluctant to believe it can cure cancer though. I hope it is true - I wonder which type(s) of cancer it can cure?

For those with cancer or have loved ones with it - I recommend the book: Because Cowards Get Cancer Too by John Diamond. He rips homeopathy a new ass (deservedly) and documents his ups and downs. Sad but inspirational in a way.


Active Member
seriously, if you want to make some for your grandma go with an indica strain since its more relaxing and is more of a pain releiver. i think its the third or fourth video on this link that will show you exactly how to make it and you get one or two ounces of the oil from a pound of bud. i'd love to see if it would help my grandma's alzheimers if i could get it. they say just a drop a day works, or if you're sick one in the morning and one at night.


Well-Known Member
oh and about the lung cancer thing yea appearantly the thc drys up mucus in the lungs and bacteria can't grow it. the link for the videos is Blogs - Cannabis Hemp Oil Cures Cancer and Other Diseases - REPOST!!! - Jack Herer MySpace Blog or just look up rick simpson on youtube
thanks i'll check it out. To be honest, i was hoping the source was some kind of scientific/medical journal though - rather than some dude on you tube - know what i mean?


Active Member
i know exactly what you mean, and it kinda points out in the video why it's not that way. shit if they(government) arrested this guy for curing people what makes you think they'll start a bunch of labs to prove he's right. its not like a ghetto video though its very well made considering the circumstances i thought. so far as I know he hasn't been proved right or wrong but all the evidence says he's right. they wouldn't let any of the 10 patients or 6 doctors testify either


Well-Known Member
there was an article in last years high times. it said that cannabis helps stop tumor growth. it might not get rid of it completely but i think it will help cut it down from spreading.


Well-Known Member
I don't consider high times a reliable source but the link posted that led to a quoted Harvard Medical School study seemed reliable (but haven't looked up the Harvard Medical study yet) but this looks promising - this would be great news!


Well-Known Member
I don't consider high times a reliable source but the link posted that led to a quoted Harvard Medical School study seemed reliable (but haven't looked up the Harvard Medical study yet) but this looks promising - this would be great news!
They stole all of his weed and his research and didnt arrest him and when he went public they arrested him in case anyone copped onto the fact that the police/government/dea are in the pharmaceutical companies pockets.
He healed several people in his town with the oil and everyone in his town knew what he was doing including the police.
The apple is rotten from the core.
Jesus also healed with these oils:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
They stole all of his weed and his research and didnt arrest him and when he went public they arrested him in case anyone copped onto the fact that the police/government/dea are in the pharmaceutical companies pockets.
He healed several people in his town with the oil and everyone in his town knew what he was doing including the police.
The apple is rotten from the core.
Jesus also healed with these oils:peace::joint:
Was he a grower, a researcher, a medical professional? is it just any old hash oil that cures cancer? what type of cancer?

if the pharmaceutical companies wield the power you suggest, what would stop them from just keeping marijuana illegal, manufacturing a cure and getting even richer?

sorry - natmoon - i really, really want to believe this but something is not adding up here.


Active Member
I gotta be honest with you, as someone who has cancer, this shit pisses me off. Weed doesn't cure cancer. It helps with a ton of other shit, but it hasn't cured my cancer. Hell, I was a total head long before I had cancer, so it had lots of time to cure it. :-?

There is no pharmaceutical conspiracy to not cure cancer. Cancer is not even one disease, but an umbrella term for many different diseases that behave in a similar fashion. You will also be happy to know that many cancers are very curable already. Lymphomas, pediatric leukemias and prostate cancer have a very high cure rate. Of course, anything less than 100% isn't good enough, but you get my point.

I have seen too damn many friends die of cancer (and I am only 33) to be okay with spreading misinformation :mad::wall:, and am high enough to have no qualms about posting about it. :bigjoint:

Just my two cents :peace::hug:


Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest with you, as someone who has cancer, this shit pisses me off. Weed doesn't cure cancer. It helps with a ton of other shit, but it hasn't cured my cancer. Hell, I was a total head long before I had cancer, so it had lots of time to cure it. :-?
Did you ingest the oil? That was his point he was trying to make. He said specifically in the video that smoking a blunt will do nothing for you...:joint:

This is really interesting info. If I had cancer or anyone I know did, I would definitely get them to try it. I don't know if I would say I am a firm believer that it works after watching the videos, but a little oil every day never hurt anyone. That's for sure.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear of your illness.

I gotta be honest with you, as someone who has cancer, this shit pisses me off. Weed doesn't cure cancer. It helps with a ton of other shit, but it hasn't cured my cancer. Hell, I was a total head long before I had cancer, so it had lots of time to cure it. :-?

There is no pharmaceutical conspiracy to not cure cancer. Cancer is not even one disease, but an umbrella term for many different diseases that behave in a similar fashion. You will also be happy to know that many cancers are very curable already. Lymphomas, pediatric leukemias and prostate cancer have a very high cure rate. Of course, anything less than 100% isn't good enough, but you get my point.

I have seen too damn many friends die of cancer (and I am only 33) to be okay with spreading misinformation :mad::wall:, and am high enough to have no qualms about posting about it. :bigjoint:

Just my two cents :peace::hug:


Well-Known Member
I gotta be honest with you, as someone who has cancer, this shit pisses me off. Weed doesn't cure cancer. It helps with a ton of other shit, but it hasn't cured my cancer. Hell, I was a total head long before I had cancer, so it had lots of time to cure it. :-?

There is no pharmaceutical conspiracy to not cure cancer. Cancer is not even one disease, but an umbrella term for many different diseases that behave in a similar fashion. You will also be happy to know that many cancers are very curable already. Lymphomas, pediatric leukemias and prostate cancer have a very high cure rate. Of course, anything less than 100% isn't good enough, but you get my point.

I have seen too damn many friends die of cancer (and I am only 33) to be okay with spreading misinformation :mad::wall:, and am high enough to have no qualms about posting about it. :bigjoint:

Just my two cents :peace::hug:
Dude all though i feel for your situation and condition the likelihood of you having ever ingested proper pure cannabis oil is very very low as it is so expensive and very rare to come by.

I have been at this for a long time and i have been around and know many dodgey people but none of even them have pure cannabis oil for sale,the real deal that is.
Straws or phials of crap maybe,gets you wasted but its not the real deal.

16 oz of good weed to make an ounce of the real deal.
Can you really afford to pay for that even if you could find it?
I think not as you would need about an ounce of oil per week to cure cancer especially if it is advanced cancer.

Another thing to note is that chemo and the various drugs they give you for cancer kill all the free radicals in cannabis oil as well as most of your body and its only if your lucky that you don't die and the cancer does.

My right to speak on this matter is that i have now lost 3 family members to cancer,members that don't even know i ever grew weed and i could not tell them as they just wouldn't understand.

I can tell you now that that guy Rick Simpson was not a lier,i can tell,you can trust me on that or don't,thats your choice,this stuff can/could help you and as you have said before some people are so riddled with cancer i cant say that it would be able to cure them for sure but i for one would give it a try,unless that is you like chemotherapy better?

Anyway i hope you get better whatever treatment you choose but you may want to try demanding that they treat you with cannabis oil legally on prescription and see what their response is.

Theres a lot of money to be made on the sick and dying and they always need new test subjects for their courses of pills and radiation to see what happens to you if they do x,y,z.

I tell you this from my soul:blsmoke:


Active Member
Let me clarify. First of all, I know that most of our medicines come from plants. I am also so intrigued by the new information that cannabis does show a lot of promise as an anti-cancer drug. I have advanced breast cancer, so the newest articles about cannabis having specific breast tumor possibilities really give me tons of hope.

Personally, I wouldn't mind some cannabis oil. Sounds good to me. Unfortunately, I don't live in an MMJ state. I can't get a prescription here.

My doctor, nurses, friends and family all know I smoke, and I am very lucky that they all support that. I bought into the DARE/anti drug stuff when I was in school, and it took cancer to actually convince me that the drug I already knew wasn't "the devil's weed" actually has medicinal value. A couple of weeks ago, I gave some to an older couple (60's) at the doc's office. This wonderful man was going to try to get his wife to use it.

Anyhow, my issue was not with cannabis' medicinal properties, but the people who talk about the pharmaceutical industry conspiracy. Don't get me wrong, I hate the motherfuckers. I am in a clinical trial right now, because otherwise the drug would cost me $10k a dose (every 3 weeks). But, there is no magic bullet yet. And, even if there was one, it couldn't work on all cancers, not with all the variable malignancies out there, including the large number of people with Cancer of Unknown Primary (we know you got it, but no idea where it is).

In fact, making hash oil, even from 16 ounces isn't going to give you a dose you need, nor will it utilize the important components (hell, there is more than one active components in cannabis that look like they have potential). One of the reasons we need safe and legal access is so that we can possibly find the cure for cancer in cannabis. Not all plants have the same amounts of magic, not all oil would be made equal, there are so many variables that need to be normalized, first.

Say things like key to a possible cure for cancer, and you get no argument from me. But, when certain keywords are said, my anti-quack armor comes up, even if quackery is not a motive. So many people prey on the hopeless, that sometimes I get overly defensive.
