Unrelated to the topic at hand but hugely related to forum ettequite is grammer police,for myself & alot of others its a way of putting somebody down & or garnering attention twords their own selves,calling a member out on mispelled words adds no value to a thread & just causes fights.
I find grammer nazis offensive ,mainly because were all not fortunate enough to have had proper education in grammer & instead of being a fake smart guy by using spell check on everything prefer to present theirself the way they are in real life,i prefer real life versions of people.
Ive mispelled countless times in this post & my browser is telling me i am,i have a 6th grade education & i semister of 7th grade but that dont make me a less valueable member or less a man,i had 2 choices,go to school & learn or go to work & eat,i chose to feed myself,all of us dont have a comfy home life where mom & dad take care of all our needs so we can go to school,some of us were beaten as children,mentally abused,sexually abused ect or just grew up in poverty with parents who didnt give a shit,forcing many of us to miss the oportunities in education & grammer others had.
Unless a members spelling is so bad his posts are unreadable what purpose does it serve to call attention to his poor spelling,for me it shows a lack of class & respect on the parts of the spelling teachers so please be respectfull in your posts twords others.