Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers

I am a little confused about the definition of curing. My understanding is that the curing takes place when the humidity in the weed is slowly(or not) brought down to the desired level for storage in a dark cooler location. After that it is stored. For me, it has never taken more than 3 weeks or so to get the humidity levels right so what do you do to cure it for months?
cannabis cup .. ?
LIke all the 'cups' that have become popular in the U.S. Basically grower competitions with different categories - sativa, indica, hybrid, organic, etc. All the winners are definitely curing their product, all but the organic growers are flushing...some for well over 2 weeks. I always look at what the pros do and try to emulate it. I was saying that growers who win these cups are curing their product.
Curing evenly distributes moisture if nothing else. A plant that is just hung and dried will be drier on the outside then the inside. As soon as you place it in the jar, the moisture from the middle slowly leaches out through the bud, evenly distributing the moisture.

If your drying your buds and putting them in a jar, and you open it every once a while to smoke, your basically curing your bud - not properly, but it's taking place to some extent.

Besides evenly distributing moisture, which is important for an even, consistent burn, it also starts breaking down starches and sugars within itself - which results in a smoother smoke.

Curing, when done right, will INCREASE aroma, taste, and potency as chemical and biological process take place. Each time you 'burp' your jars your releasing gas from these processes. Get your jars to 60-62% and close them for long term storage and your patients will be well rewarded.

Your bud should be properly grown...period. Curing has nothing to do with growing bad weed, nor will it drastically improve garbage. It will make top shelf bud reach it's true potential.

I'm not sure why there is such a debate about this topic. There is clear data about what curing does and doesn't do. Amazing weed will taste and smell great no matter what. You won't always be able to tell if hasn't been flushed or cured, but if you had a sample of a product that was cured and one that was not, you would definitely be able to tell the difference, and it's a positive one.

If your losing taste, smell, or potency when your cure, your doing something wrong or have a unique strain IMO
I've been reluctant to try to humidipaks, I've heard some people mention they can smell them? Others use them and love them, obviously your in the latter category. I think I'm going to get me some when I harvest this round.
Im not sure how someone could smell salt and purified water, cause that's all they are (=
I have tried the Bodeva 62% humidity packs and find they get hard after a while. What does this mean? I figured they no longer work and throw them away.
I disagree. I think that creating a thread titled
Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers
is EXACTLY the behavior I would expect from a preachy dick. As a matter of fact, it would be hard to get more preachy and dickish. He's already stated that the opposing argument is wildly invalid and derogatorily labeled anyone who takes that stance as a bad grower, not to mention the fact that he demands scientific evidence of the contrary point yet presents NO evidence of that kind to back up his own point. What world do you live in where this is ANYTHING other than the definition of being preachy and dickish???
Ace - If that's your definition of 'preachy and dickish' on an Internet forum, then you're virtual world is must be limited to WebMD and AARP. When I left that message, the give and take had been interesting and borderline informational. Obviously it didn't suit your delicate sensibilities, so why do you stay? Like to argue much?
Ace - If that's your definition of 'preachy and dickish' on an Internet forum, then you're virtual world is must be limited to WebMD and AARP. When I left that message, the give and take had been interesting and borderline informational. Obviously it didn't suit your delicate sensibilities, so why do you stay? Like to argue much?
I was going to prepare a thoughtful rebuke, but I just can't get past the phrase
then you're virtual world is must be limited to
I was going to prepare a thoughtful rebuke, but I just can't get past the phrase

Being a grammar and spelling cop on the Internet is embarrassing enough, but to do so in a group of stoners is the clear definition of anal retentive... but let's continue, shall we?

Ace - If that's your definition of 'preachy and dickish' on an Internet forum, then your virtual world must be limited to WebMD and AARP. When I left that message, the give and take had been interesting and borderline informational. Obviously it didn't suit your delicate sensibilities, so why do you stay? Do you like to argue much?

Never mind, by now it's a rhetorical question. But please do me a favor and point out if I misspelled anything or used the wrong contraction. I'd hate for you to waste time actually addressing the subject at hand. Since I'm guessing you've forgotten by now, the issue is drying, then curing vs. drying without curing.

I anxiously await the brevity of your reply.
Being a grammar and spelling cop on the Internet is embarrassing enough, but to do so in a group of stoners is the clear definition of anal retentive... but let's continue, shall we?

Ace - If that's your definition of 'preachy and dickish' on an Internet forum, then your virtual world must be limited to WebMD and AARP. When I left that message, the give and take had been interesting and borderline informational. Obviously it didn't suit your delicate sensibilities, so why do you stay? Do you like to argue much?

Never mind, by now it's a rhetorical question. But please do me a favor and point out if I misspelled anything or used the wrong contraction. I'd hate for you to waste time actually addressing the subject at hand. Since I'm guessing you've forgotten by now, the issue is drying, then curing vs. drying without curing.

I anxiously await the brevity of your reply.
Unlike you, I've already provided ample explanations of my point of view on the issue of curing, but perhaps you missed all that whilst getting your panties in a twist over some semantics.
This is not a theory. THis idea that a cure can make your flowers better to the point waiting to smoke is pure poppycock. Fresh is better. I would love to have the proponents and their "cured" herb to have them tested for terpene levels before and after to show you all the degradation of cannabiniods and terpenoids will be of noticeable levels.
Bottom line is when you have done a mediocre job of growing and flowering these plants you simply get mediocre finished products. THe real key to producing good-great flowers is to make sure you have fed the plants a balanced nutrient. In a ration of 3-2-4 fed throughout flower. Metabolizing the salts is why so many people flush. to make sure all the added phosphorous is utilized.

I know i an going to hear Hhow everyone swears their weed gets better. Doubt it.


Dude i love you !

Seriously though its good to see somebody willing to educate people on this subject,a subject where countless growers have been brainwashed into accepting flushing & curring as facts.

I gave up beating this dead horse a long time ago,sadly not one mind will be changed by this thread,no matter what facts are presented,growers feel better about their product the more effort they put into it.
Unlike you, I've already provided ample explanations of my point of view on the issue of curing, but perhaps you missed all that whilst getting your panties in a twist over some semantics.
Not brief enough, grammar goddess.

But back to the civilized discussion - Homebrew, maybe you could detail exactly what your drying routine is, as it would help to understand what you consider to be the perfect dry which doesn't need curing. Do you control the temp and humidity at specific levels in your drying environment, or do you do everything by feel?
disagree. that's like saying you don't need to age a red wine after fermenting. There's a lot of chemistry that continues long after the fruit comes off the plant.

People love to use wine as an exame twords mj growing & they think its a good example proving their point when infact its the worst possible comparison.

Using wine as an example brings up the subject of how all the worlds most accomplished wine tasters were all put to shame by a lowely california based small time wine maker,the california wine industry blew all the long standing myths about wine out of the industry.

Its been proven that you do not need to age a fine red wine for it to taste as good as its aged counterpart & the results are easy to find on the web.
Unrelated to the topic at hand but hugely related to forum ettequite is grammer police,for myself & alot of others its a way of putting somebody down & or garnering attention twords their own selves,calling a member out on mispelled words adds no value to a thread & just causes fights.

I find grammer nazis offensive ,mainly because were all not fortunate enough to have had proper education in grammer & instead of being a fake smart guy by using spell check on everything prefer to present theirself the way they are in real life,i prefer real life versions of people.

Ive mispelled countless times in this post & my browser is telling me i am,i have a 6th grade education & i semister of 7th grade but that dont make me a less valueable member or less a man,i had 2 choices,go to school & learn or go to work & eat,i chose to feed myself,all of us dont have a comfy home life where mom & dad take care of all our needs so we can go to school,some of us were beaten as children,mentally abused,sexually abused ect or just grew up in poverty with parents who didnt give a shit,forcing many of us to miss the oportunities in education & grammer others had.

Unless a members spelling is so bad his posts are unreadable what purpose does it serve to call attention to his poor spelling,for me it shows a lack of class & respect on the parts of the spelling teachers so please be respectfull in your posts twords others.
Unrelated to the topic at hand but hugely related to forum ettequite is grammer police,for myself & alot of others its a way of putting somebody down & or garnering attention twords their own selves,calling a member out on mispelled words adds no value to a thread & just causes fights.

I find grammer nazis offensive ,mainly because were all not fortunate enough to have had proper education in grammer & instead of being a fake smart guy by using spell check on everything prefer to present theirself the way they are in real life,i prefer real life versions of people.

Ive mispelled countless times in this post & my browser is telling me i am,i have a 6th grade education & i semister of 7th grade but that dont make me a less valueable member or less a man,i had 2 choices,go to school & learn or go to work & eat,i chose to feed myself,all of us dont have a comfy home life where mom & dad take care of all our needs so we can go to school,some of us were beaten as children,mentally abused,sexually abused ect or just grew up in poverty with parents who didnt give a shit,forcing many of us to miss the oportunities in education & grammer others had.

Unless a members spelling is so bad his posts are unreadable what purpose does it serve to call attention to his poor spelling,for me it shows a lack of class & respect on the parts of the spelling teachers so please be respectfull in your posts twords others.
THANK YOU!! I couldn't have said this better myself.