curing by weight?


Active Member
im trying something a little different curing on this one jar, has anyone tried curing by weight? ill weigh it each time i take the buds outta the jar and keep an eye on em and only let em lose about 1 gram to 1.2 or somethin ill do that like bout 2 times a day and the rest i just burp for a while regularly.....thoughts opinions?:leaf:

edit: i figured after a certain point the weight will "level off" and then it should be ok to leave the lid on...idk ?


Active Member
might work but every strain has different water i would go with RH it is your best bet. Good luck man happy smoking!


Active Member
I honestly don't think that's an accurate way to cure, considering curing is the most important part of how your nug burns and tastes. I weight when they go in and keep track of what I pull out and Im usually within .5 of a Gram, I don't think it varies enough to be able to accuratly judge how the cure is going or what stage your in. I highly doubt there will be a significant weight difference in RH 70 to RH 50. My opinion though what do I know all Pioneers started out with everyone telling them they couldn't do it so fuck it do it and let us know, lol.

I suppose I could be wrong You should also keep track of RH so you can see if there is any fluctuation between say 5% or 10% less RH, just a thought


Active Member
it shouldnt get moldy if your smart enough to keep an eye on em...imo. but yea it actually worked out , in the end when the weight leveled off i had some hella hard nugs i was able to leave em in the jars for a while before smokein, im not doin it this way again i was just seeing what would happen...happy smoking


you want 20% water in your ganja some people like 15 % for joints how u tell is take some herb that you think is pretty dry weigh it say it weighs 1 gram than throw it in the oven on 180 for 20 mins to a half hour if your bud now complety dry weighs .8 you had 20% water right eazy method i learn from a old book on how to dry basil and other herbs