Curing concerns


Hey all. I'm the one that grew a single little plant completely naturally in uk as my very final smoke of MJ.
BTW 1st time grower.

I'm at the curing stage and only started 2 days ago.
I'm concerned as my weed is in little jars with hygrometer. I've got 20-22c temps and between 60-65% humid in each jar when I burp them.
Are these OK readings.

Also my big ask is WHEN do my buds start smelling like weed again. They just smell like I've cut down 20 bushes in my garden or like fresh cut wet grass.

Please adviseany thabks
I'd burp until those are consistently bet 55-60% RH. 65 is too high. How long did you hang your plants for? Cooler temps are better, but yours are okay. The smell might not change. To get the best terps, you really need to slow dry by manipulating temperature and RH while the plants are hanging. Lots of us shoot for a 2 week dry before putting in Jars, but I've gotten good terps from a 10 day dry before. If your plants are drying sooner than that, you might not get the flavor results you are looking for. I don't find that curing does much to improve the flavor of buds. Also, if you are getting that "fresh cut grass" type smell consistently, you might be harvesting too early. Sometimes all you need to change is to grow your plants a week or two longer. Good luck and I hope your crop turns out good!
Thanks for advice. I dried buds for 13 days. 3 on the whole plant and 10 as branches. They hung in the attic with a small fan. It was constantly about 70%rh with fan on and 85rh without but after 10 days of just branches they were snapping in half when bent. I burp my jars 3x a day atm as was told needs to be done for first 10 days. When I took branches down for cropping off the buds at smelt f+#king amazing now it just smells like grass. Hoping it'll change soon and thanks again
60%-60%, those are the numbers you want to strive for throughout the whole process..

60F at 60%rh during drying "I keep these numbers locked in with dehumidifier and portable ac "and good ole Canadian fall"..

After its dried "if dried right during this process" there is no need for jars and burping as your room has kept the buds at a stable 60-60..

Buildasoil's Youtube channel has a video about this, very informative video.

Must watch video
60%-60%, those are the numbers you want to strive for throughout the whole process..

60F at 60%rh during drying "I keep these numbers locked in with dehumidifier and portable ac "and good ole Canadian fall"..

After its dried "if dried right during this process" there is no need for jars and burping as your room has kept the buds at a stable 60-60..

Buildasoil's Youtube channel has a video about this, very informative video.

Must watch video

Thank you
If your herb is dried properly there is no need for burping..

You slow dry it to where it needs to be, then coast it in the rest of the way by the jars/bags ect..

Do not use Boveda Packs to cure with, that is not their intention, they are for storing, not curing..

Watch that buildasoil video, you will have a better understanding of drying process by the time you are done watching it.
I check my drying room several times a day to make sure my numbers are on point.. With dehumidifier and ac the numbers do not fluctuate much.
I find the buildasoil vids are some of the more informational vids out at the moment, he's done a real good job of breaking down the growing process and explains it in a way that even a dumbass like myself can understand.
But everything I read online says it small like grass for a bit. So please help. What can I do to fix this as much as poss.

I don't know what you read online but I dry my weed and when it's done drying it does not smell like grass. I don't cure. I dry and jar. People can do all the burping and curing they want but I prefer to dry my weed slowly and when it's dry it's ready to smoke and jar. I start smoking it right away because I like my weed fresh not after it's been sitting in jars for months curing.

It never smells like grass.
You want as slow of a dry as possible without causing mold issues.. I strive for that 60f 60% until they are ready to go storage containers..

This year Im trying out grove bags, I was suggested them by someone on this site, we will see how they work.