curing first grow


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am now curing my first grow and just wanted to make sure it s good.
I ve smoked some and its really good but I since I am kind of a noob I was hoping to get some opinions from you, THX! :) * sorry for the image quality, I will improve it.IMG00047-20110929-2005.jpgIMG00044-20110929-2003#1.jpgIMG00042-20110929-2003.jpg


Active Member
put it in a jar in a cool dark place for a few the jar every day or so to keep it from molding. will make that stuff taste much better. its the chlorophyll that tastes like dick on not properly cured buds.


Active Member
and putting it in the dark place allows the plant to get rid of the chlorophyll (most is in leaf but still some is left in the bud) along with drying the middle of the bud evenly..